Articles from April 2017

Ruffalo scholarship ‘means everything’ to student
Friday, April 28, 2017
Courtney Fredrickson, of Forest City, Iowa, has wanted to be a teacher since she was in the sixth grade. After earning an Albert and Martha Ruffalo First Generation Education Scholarship, which is given to first-generation UI College of Education students, Fredrickson’s confidence in her future as a teacher has skyrocketed. “It feels like I get to make a new path for my family,” says Fredrickson...

Nicholas Baer shares philanthropy message
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Hawkeye student athlete and basketball star Nicholas Baer shares how philanthropy has impacted his life and the lives of all UI students during an inspirational talk.

Going global
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Whether traveling to India or Italy or coming to Iowa from afar, College of Education students gain global knowledge that enriches their ability to teach, conduct research, and engage in a more closely-connected world.

Gaining a foundation for impactful leadership
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The College of Education produces leaders across a wide spectrum of professions. Among those success stories is that of Brian Hemphill (PhD ’98) of Spring Hope, North Carolina. Hemphill assumed the presidency of Radford University in July 2016, a comprehensive public university of more than 9,400 students in Radford, Virginia. Along the way, he served in many leadership roles in the field of...

Generations of Hawkeyes
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The love of teaching is passed down from generation to generation.

HOPE in rural Iowa
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Project HOPE (Healthcare Occupations Preparation and Exploration) is a STEM-based curricular intervention that integrates academic and vocational opportunities designed to connect minority and low socioeconomic middle school students to the health science professions early in their education. The program is of particular importance to rural Iowa youth.

STEM Excellence and Leadership invigorates learning for high-ability students in rural Iowa
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The STEM Excellence and Leadership program is a half-million-dollar grant pro-gram funded by a Talent Development Award from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation aiming to enrich the lives of talented and gifted rural Iowa students.

Why I Give
Thursday, April 27, 2017
More than 6,000 donors contributed a total of $55 million to the College of Education as part of For Iowa. Forever More: The Campaign for the University of Iowa. This is a rare achievement, only made possible thanks to your generosity and support!

An opportunity to thank a mentor
Thursday, April 27, 2017
One Day for Iowa proved to be much more than a giving campaign for the college. It was a chance for alumni and friends of the college to choose to donate in honor of a teacher that touched their life in a positive way. These educators could be anyone from a kindergarten teacher to a graduate school professor, just someone who made an impact on the life of the person donating. Shu-I Chang (PhD ‘97)...