Bowman, Nicholas | A Belonging Intervention to Improve STEM Outcomes for Underrepresented Students: A Randomized-Controlled Trial at 22 Colleges | 2018-2020 | Indiana University | $222,713 | |
Didion Johnston, Lisa | A Comparison of Audio Observation and In-Person Observation of Teacher Behavior | 2020-2021 | IMRF | $36,112 | |
Bruhn, Allison | A Comparison of Teacher Ratings and Direct Observation | 2017-2018 | IMRF | $31,431 | |
Liu, William | A Measure to Identify Growth from Discrimination in College Student Populations | 2017-2018 | IMRF | $29,952 | |
Aloe, Ariel | A Meta-analysis of Social and Behavioral Outcomes for ADHD in School Settings | 2016-2018 | SUNY | $232,058 | |
Bowman, Nicholas | A New Approach for Measuring Spirituality: The Development of an Authenticity Scale | 2020-2021 | IMRF | $36,112 | |
Sanchez, Jennifer, Wadsworth, John, Ali, Saba | Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: Improving Access to Health Care in High Need and Underserved Rural Communities | 2019-2022 | HRSA | $1,341,925 | |
Plakans, Lia, Johnson, David | Advocacy, Capacity, and Collaboration for English Learners in Iowa (ACCEL) | 2017-2021 | US Department of Education | $2,225,359 | |
Didion Johnston, Lisa | An Extension of the Data Mountain Program to Improve Fluency for Elementary Students With or At-Risk for Reading Disabilities | 2021-2022 | Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust | $85,520 | |
Vispoel, Walter | Applications of Generalizability Theory for Objectively Scored Ordinal Measures | 2017-2018 | IMRF | $35,546 | |
Bahr, Patricia | Assistive Technology in Iowa's Specially Designed Instruction | 2016/2017 | IA DoE | $77,229 | |
Ali, Saba, Foley Nicpon, Megan, Bermingham, Charles, Martinez, Denise | Building a Mental Health Workforce to Serve Rural Iowa Youth | 2021-2025 | HRSA | $1,909,273 | |
Barnhardt, Cassie | Campus-based mobilization: Measuring characteristics, processes, and outcomes | 2017-2018 | IMRF | $20,821 | |
Assouline, Susan Lynn, Ihrig, Lori | Closing the Excellence Gap: Implementing the STEM Excellence and Leadership Program to Understand the Role of Local Agency in Broadening High-Potential, Rural Students' STEM Participation | 2017-2021 | NSF | $1,979,221 | |
Aloe, Ariel | Collaborative Research: Partial and Multilevel Effect Sizes in Meta-analysis | 2015-2018 | NSF | $96,663 | |
Brennan, Robert | College Board | 2014-2019 | College Board | $1,935,332 | |
Barnhardt, Cassie | Comparing Contemporary Campus Mobilization at Scale: Tactics,Intensity, and Media Attention | 2020-2021 | UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement Fellowship | $20,000 | |
Kivlighan, Dennis Martin | Construction and Validation of the Multicultural Group Environment Scale (MGES): An Exploratory factor Analysis | 2017-2018 | APF | $1,000 | |
Kivlighan, Dennis Martin | Construction and Validation of the Therapeutic Goal Orientation Scale (TOGS): An Exploratory Factor Analysis | 2017-2018 | IMRF | $29,952 | |
Mintz, Catherine, Templin, Jonathan | Doctoral Dissertation Research: Multidimensional Nominal Response Models in Adaptive Testing | 2021-2022 | NSF | $11,994 | |
Liddell, Debora | Editor, Journal of College Student Development | 2015-2020 | ACPA | $290,000 | |
Bardhoshi, Gerta, Locke, Leslie | Engaging At-Risk Latinx Students’ Sense of Belonging in Muscatine High School: A Group Counseling Intervention Informed by Photovoice | 2018 | Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust | $89,908 | |
Bowman, Nicholas | Examining and Tailoring Academic Policies to Enhance Undergraduate Student Success and Equity | 2021-2023 | University of Iowa | $113,768 | |
Assouline, Susan Lynn | Expansion of STEM Excellence and Literacy (SEAL) Program | 2017-2019 | Jack Kent Cooke | $200,000 | |
| EXTREEMS-QED: Large Data Analysis and Visualization at the University of Iowa | 2014-2019 | NSF | $579,451 | |
Kivlighan, Dennis Martin, Sanchez, Jennifer, Ali, Saba | Graduate Psychology Training in Telepsychology and OUD and SUD Prevention and Treatment in Rural Iowa | 2019-2022 | HRSA | $1,343,925 | |
Hand, Brian | Improving Early Childhood Language Development Through Science | 2018-2021 | Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust | $394,247 | |
McDermott, Mark | Improving Student Science Learning through the Argument-Based Strategies and STEM Infused Science Teaching (ASSIST) Teaching Approach | 2015-2018 | Iowa Board of Regents - Title IIA, "Improving Teacher Quality State Grant Program" | $472,271 | |
Fulmer, Gavin | Improving Two-Tier Item Measures of Scientific Reasoning for Secondary Students | 2017-2018 | IMRF | $31,431 | |
Ali, Saba | Integrating Behavioral Health into Rural Medicine | 2017-2021 | HRSA | $1,312,154 | |
Bruhn, Allison, King, Seth, Santos, Ann, Datchuk, Shawn, O'Brien, Matthew, Schieltz, Kelly | Interdisciplinary Training Project in Special Education and School Psychology (SP2) | 2020-2025 | US Department of Education | $986,920 | |
Assouline, Susan Lynn | Iowa Junior Science and Humanities Symposium | 2017-2018 | Academy of Applied Science | $17,100 | |
Segre, Alberto, Bowman, Nicholas | IUSE:EHR Pair Programming as a Pedagogical Approach for Promoting Success and Equity in Computer Science Coursework | 2016-2019 | NSF | $137,893 | |
Reed, Deborah | LiNK Evaluation Study | 2018-2021 | Literacy Network of Kansas (LiNK) | $555,555 | |
Wadsworth, John | Long-term Training: The University of Iowa Rehabilitation Counseling Program (UIRCP) | 2019-2024 | US Department of Education | $933,636 | |
Hand, Brian, Fulmer, Gavin | Moving Beyond Pedagogy: Developing Teachers’ Adaptive Expertise in Using the Epistemic Complexity of Science | 2018-2022 | NSF | $2,884,239 | |
Cwiertny, David | NRT-INFEWS: Paths to sustainable food-energy-water systems in resource-limited communities | 2017-2020 | NSF | $188,152 | |
Sanchez, Jennifer | Patterns of Opioid Misuse Among Persons with Disabilities in the United States | 2019 | Center for Large Data Research & Data Sharing in Rehabilitation | $18,000 | |
Reed, Deborah | PIAAC Prison Data Analysis | 2017-2018 | AERA | $20,000 | |
Johnson, Ebonee | Project PEER (Prevent, Engage, Empower, Respond) | 2020-2025 | SAMHSA | $998,865 | |
Bruhn, Allison, Hendrickson, Jo | Project SCORE IT: Developing and Evaluating Interactive Technology to Support Self-Monitoring and Data-Based Decision-Making in the Classroom | 2016-2019 | IES | $1,178,530 | |
Bowman, Nicholas | Promoting the Representation and Success of Students from Minoritized Racial Groups at U.S. Law Schools | 2020-2021 | AccessLex Institute / Association for Institutional Research | $49,712 | |
Bardhoshi, Gerta | Psychometric Exploration and Synthesis of the School Counselor Self-Efficacy Scale | 2018-2019 | IMRF | $35,546 | |
Bardhoshi, Gerta | Psychometric Exploration and Synthesis of the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS-8) | 2020-2021 | IMRF | $35,231 | |
Hollingworth, Liz | Shared Visions Preschool Program Evaluation | 2021 | Iowa Department of Education | $4,500 | |
Ogren, Christine | Summers Off: A History of American Teachers' Other Three Months | 2017-2018 | Spencer Foundation | $49,876 | |
Langguth, Nancy | Support of work within the Bureau of Leading, Teaching, Learning Services | 2020 | Iowa Department of Education | $31,217 | |
Coghill-Behrends, William | Supporting Excellence in STEM Teaching and Learning through Community of Practice | 2021 | American Councils for International Education | $5,000 | |
Welch, Catherine | Technical Support of Statewide Assessments Program | 2017-2018 | Iowa Department of Education | $393,112 | |
Liddell, Debora | The Emory Integrity Project: Integrating and Assessing an Integrity Initiative in University Education and Student Life | 2016-2019 | Emory University | $148,000 | |
Hong, Dae | The University of Iowa and Des Moines Area Community College: From Community College to University - Recruiting and Developing Culturally Responsive & Proficient Mathematics Teachers | 2019-2024 | NSF | $1,423,403 | |
Wadsworth, John | The University of Iowa Long-Term Training Program: Rehabilitation Counseling, Deadline Extension Application | 2020-2025 | US Department of Education | $779,968 | |
Vispoel, Walter | Understanding Latent State-Trait Theory and Generalizability Theory within a Common Conceptual Analytical Framework | 2020-2021 | IMRF | $36,112 | |
Vispoel, Walter | Understanding Latent State-Trait Theory and Generalizability Theory within a Common Conceptual Analytical Framework | 2021-2022 | IMRF | $37,176 | |
Devane, Benjamin | Understanding Physics through Design and Play: Integrating Skateboarding with STEM in an Integrated Digital and Physical Game-Based Children’s Museum Exhibit | 2016-2019 | Iowa Children's Museum (ICM) | $236,380 | |
Wojciak, Armeda | Urban and Rural Contexts of Iowa Home Visiting Programs – The use of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Services | 2017-2018 | Injury Prevention Center | $22,439 | |
Aloe, Ariel, Reed, Deborah | Validating a Measure of Educators Knowledge of Reading | 2018-2019 | IMRF | $23,359 | |
Reed, Deborah, Aloe, Ariel | Varied Practice Reading for Middle School Students With or At Risk for Reading Disabilities | 2021-2025 | Institute of Education Sciences | $1,999,912 | |
Grooms, Ain | What's Your Excuse?: Chronic Absenteeism in a Rural Majority-Minority High School | 2017-2018 | Center for Educational Transformation | $21,638 | |