As a College of Education student, you will join an engaged community dedicated to advancing education in the 21st century. The college offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to collaborate with renowned faculty to solve problems and effect change. Graduates go on to become leaders in the fields of education, counseling, psychology, student affairs, educational measurement, and more.

Browse our Areas of Study, or A-Z listing below.

Counseling professor speaking with a student.

Counseling and Mental Health

Programs for counselors, psychologists and mental health researchers.

Student teacher writing with elementary student.

Education and Teaching

Programs with teaching licensure and for those interested in education research.

Aerial photo of University of Iowa campus

Higher Education and Leadership

Programs and licensure for higher education and school leaders and researchers.

Professor speaking with students classroom

Learning Sciences and Assessment

Programs in the science of learning, education psychology, and assessment.

Students studying outdoors at Iowa Memorial Union

Society and Human Relations

Programs in education studies, human relations,  society, and culture.

Herky with two male students in front of Old Capitol

UI REACH program

A comprehensive transition program for students ages 18-25 years old with intellectual, cognitive and learning disabilities.

Find a program

Search our offerings by program, degree option, and delivery-mode.

Programs A-Z

Continuing Education

From certificates, to licensure, to degrees, our continuing education options will help you reach your career and academic goals. With flexible options, including online programs, part-time programs, and more, we have a variety of opportunities that will help you advance your career.

Online Programs

Looking for programs available entirely online? Explore our highly-ranked programs designed for teachers.

Programs by Department

Please visit our departmental pages for programs by department.