The music education area celebrates our students’ rich musical lives through cultivating and modeling teaching practices that center equity, relationships, and belonging. We aim to foster critical thinking, reflective practice, creativity, and innovation.
The Music Education program offers undergraduate certification courses for K-12 licensure in vocal and instrumental music for students pursuing or who have completed their bachelor’s degree in music. Graduate courses for the MA in Music (Music Education emphasis) and the PhD in Music (Music Education emphasis) degrees are also offered.
Programs with Teacher Licensure
Programs (Non-licensure)
Teacher Education
Our Teacher Education Program provides diverse experiences with supportive mentors to effectively prepare you for your future classroom.
To learn more about classroom experiences and the Teacher Education program, please:

Classroom Experience and Student Teaching
We believe you shouldn’t have to wait until your final semester of college to work with students and make sure teaching is right for you. In your program you will be given opportunities to work in real classrooms with students from the moment you are admitted to the program.

Teacher Leader Certificate
The certificate encourages strong classroom leadership skills, helps you better understand the context in which our schools operate, and enables you to better innovate, improve, develop, and discover your identity as an emerging teacher leader. Prepare to support your students’ social emotional learning and become a stand-out hire after graduation.
Meet Tremere Hill, music education alumnus and Hawkeye Teacher.
Faculty and Research
You will have the opportunity to learn from our renowned faculty, who serve dual appointments with both the Colleges of Education and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
To see associated faculty, please visit: Faculty Listing.
Areas of expertise include:
- Music education
- Community engagement
- Creativity
- Songwriting
- Improvisation
- Vocal health
- Vocal anatomy
- Peacebuilding
- Music in prisons
- Culturally relevant teaching
- Disability studies
- Universal design for learning
Admissions and Application
Please visit the degree pages for specific admissions information:
Apply Now
Please review the requirements and supplemental documents for your degree option before starting.
Program Resources
Resources for Music Educators
- First Iowa Orff
This blog is hosted by First Iowa Orff, a group of dedicated music teachers (primarily elementary general music teachers), from North, East, and Central Iowa. The blog provides information about workshops and gatherings related to music education, as well as links to the group's newsletter and contacts. - Iowa Music Educators Association
This site is hosted by the Iowa Music Educators Association, the Iowa affiliate of the National Association for Music Educators (NAfME). IMEA is a group promoting the interests of both music students and current and future music educators. This blog provides information about scholarships, classes, and job and professional development opportunities, as well as provides links to other music education interest groups. - Iowa Core Curriculum
- Iowa Bandmasters
- Iowa Choral Directors Association
- Iowa String Teachers Association
Contact Us
Program Coordinator
Jeremy Manternach
4304 Voxman Music building