Grant Proposal and Contract Routing Procedures

In order to provide the best services possible, we request that certain policies and procedures be followed.

Step 1:  Discuss the project/contract with your DEO to discuss the fit of the project to your research, teaching and service; how the project will affect your activities and program responsibilities; if other faculty or staff will be involved; and what resources will be needed for the project. If you would like to request a course buyout please note the following: 1) DEO provisional permission is required for all course buyouts in advance of submission, and 2) the current cost for a course buyout is 10% of a faculty member’s academic year salary.

Step 2:  Contact the GRSC office to discuss the grant proposal, routing procedures, and submission deadlines.  The GRSC staff is available to provide as much support as needed on grant applications.

Step 3:  Notify your DEO and the GRSC office at least 10 days prior to submission deadline to make arrangements for the final review of the proposal and/or contract. The GRSC will make arrangements for the proposal/contract to receive a final review in preparation for the DEO's and Dean's approval. The GRSC will route all COE grants.

Internal Funding Opportunities

Find funding opportunities within the college and university here.

College of Education Research Fund

The College of Education Research Fund is for Tenure-Track, Tenured Faculty, and full-time Clinical Faculty only.

The College of Education Research Fund, supported jointly by Iowa Testing Programs and the Dean's Office, provides up to $1,800 per year to tenure-track and tenured College of Education faculty to support research-related activities.

Support from the College of Education Research Fund may be used to cover various costs incurred in doing research on the specified project, including such things as tests and research instruments; participant fees; photocopying and mailing of surveys; travel related to the grant; equipment used to carry out the grant-funded research; data collection, data entry, and data analysis expenses.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis between July 1 and June 30. No more than $ 1,800 will be awarded to a single faculty member in a fiscal year.

For more information, contact:
Elizabeth Constantine

Access the application form.

NOTE: You will need to have Adobe's Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to read the PDF version of a document. Download Acrobat Reader.

Internal University Funding

The University of Iowa offers many internal funding opportunities for its faculty, staff, and students. The following internal competitions are generally held at certain points in the academic year. The link below will take you to a list of all internal funding opportunities currently available at the University for research and scholarship.

A searchable database of internal and external funding

The University of Iowa Council on Teaching has several awards in support of teaching both for faculty members and graduate student teaching assistants. Links for more information and instructions for submitting proposals/nominations for collegiate teaching awards, instructional improvement awards, outstanding teaching assistant awards, and the president's award for technology innovation can be found at the link below.

The following are open to all UI tenured, tenure-track, clinical, lecturer, and International Programs' adjunct faculty.

Major Projects Awards

  • Deadline: November 20 of the academic year prior to the one in which funding programming would take place
  • Amount: $12,500
  • The Major Projects Awards support large-scale projects that promise to draw the attention of The University of Iowa community to international topics, whether aesthetic, cultural, historical, or political.  Funding is for a one-year period beginning July 1 of the year following the application deadline. A single project will be funded, up to $12,500.

Global Research Partnership Award

  • Deadline: Mid-October
  • Amount: Two Global Research Partnership Awards are available, for up to $10,000 each
  • Available to: full-time University of Iowa faculty
  • The Global Research Partnership Award (GRPA) is intended to help initiate new or expand existing international partnerships and/or to build an institutional relationship to facilitate future joint research projects.

Global Curriculum Development Awards

  • Deadline: June 1 - applicants will be notified of award status approximately three weeks after the submission deadline
  • Amount: The award of $3,000 can be used toward professional expenses (e.g., travel, research materials, books).
  • Available to: UI tenured or tenure-track faculty and senior lecturers
  • The Global Curriculum Development Award is given to faculty creating a new undergraduate course, or substantially revising an existing course, in order to integrate international or global perspectives into an undergraduate major. Revised courses must not have been already globally oriented. All courses developed or revised for the GCDA must be required for at least one undergraduate major.

International Travel Awards

  • Deadline: the last day of each month
  • Available to: University of Iowa tenured, tenure-track, clinical, and research faculty as well as staff members whose positions or performance evaluations depend on international travel
  • Amount: International Travel Awards will typically range from $1,000 to $1,200 (although higher or lower amounts may be awarded in some instances).
  • International Programs' International Travel Awards contribute to internationalization at the University of Iowa by funding the international scholarship and engagement of UI faculty and staff. Through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization, International Travel Awards support international travel for research, creative activity, and active conference participation or other collaborative activity.

Summer Research Fellowships

  • Deadline: October 31 of the year before the summer in which the funding will be used
  • Available to: University of Iowa tenured and tenure-track faculty
  • Amount: $3,000
  • The International Programs Summer Research Fellowship is a developmental award designed to promote the internationalization of research on campus. The strongest proposals will demonstrate genuine engagement with international issues, whether aesthetic, cultural, historical, political, or global. While such projects will typically involve work at an international location, travel abroad is not required. Each $3,000 summer fellowship is expected to result in at least one publication, exhibit, or performance.


UIowa Pivot Funding Database

Several funding opportunities are available from the University of Iowa, the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, the Office of the Provost (Faculty Development Programs), the Office of the Vice President for Research, and the International Programs Office. The link will take you to a searchable database of all internal funding opportunities currently available at the University for research and scholarship. No funding opportunities for instruction are listed in this database.


Council on Teaching

The University of Iowa Council on Teaching has several awards in support of teaching both for faculty members and graduate student teaching assistants. Links for more information and instructions for submitting proposals/nominations for collegiate teaching awards, instructional improvement awards, outstanding teaching assistant awards, and the president's award for technology innovation can be found at the link below.

Iowa Measurement Research Foundation (IMRF) Grant Program

IMRF provides support for measurement-related research by the faculty of the College of Education. See the IMRF website for details.

External Funding

Major Research Funding

Major research funding information and opportunities are available through these institutional sites:

Numerous additional sources are connected below as well.

Local Funding

The following Iowa funders offer smaller, programmatic grants.

Iowa Community Betterment Grants – Prairie Meadows

Funding small-to-medium sized projects with grants ranging from $100 to $99,999, Prairie Meadows Community Betterment Grants support qualified organizations seeking to improve the lives of people in their communities.

Eligibility: Applicants must be non-profit, tax-exempt organizations located in the state of Iowa and meet one of the following: 1) Have received a formal tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (organizations awaiting IRS tax exempt status are not eligible to apply for funding from Prairie Meadows); or 2) Are units of political subdivisions, are public school districts, or are church/religious organizations; or 3) Are non-profit organizations organized exclusively for the promotion of social welfare as determined by Prairie Meadows at its sole discretion (must be predetermined by the Prairie Meadows Grants Manager).

Funding Priorities: Prairie Meadows awards Community Betterment Grants in the following four categories: 1) Arts and Culture; 2) Economic Development; 3) Education; and 4) Health and Human Services.

Prairie Meadows looks favorably upon organizations, or projects, that: 1) Administer effective projects; 2) Demonstrate financial stability and accountability; 3) Provide measurable and meaningful results; 4) Have an impact on a measurable number of Iowans; 5) Have multiple funding sources, most of which are already identified and secured; 6) Will allow the organization to introduce new services or expand existing services to central Iowans.


Washington County Riverboat Foundation (WCRF)

The WCRF currently has two grant programs through which it makes grants from the donations it receives from the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort. Organizations interested in applying for grants directly from the Washington County Riverboat Foundation will be through the Competitive Fund. Application materials for the Competitive Fund are found under the "Grant Applications" section of this web site. The WCRF currently has two grant programs, the Competitive Fund (75%) and the Municipal Fund (25%).

Competitive Fund: Through the Competitive Fund, the WCRF Board of Directors will distribute 75% of the annual donations it receives from the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort in the form of grants. Awards will be made based on an application. The application form can be downloaded from this site as a Microsoft Word document. There is also a PDF document with the eligibility guidelines. The WCRF Board of Directors intends to hold two rounds of applications each year for the Competitive Fund. A copy of the application for this grant round is available on this web site, and paper copies will be available at the WCRF office. The WCRF Board of Directors encourages potential applicants to submit a brief Notification of Intent to Apply, which is available as a Microsoft Word document for download from this site. This notification is optional and will not affect the applications evaluation, but it will help the Board get some insight into the applications that will be submitted, and may help the applicant to see if they have met the guidelines and program objectives. All applicants should be aware that their applications, and any supporting materials, become public documents after submission. All applicants are advised that they will be required to submit several items of supporting material with their application. More information on their website.


Johnson Co. Community Foundation

Since 1990, area residents have been turning to the Johnson County Community Foundation to make their philanthropic giving as effective as possible. We are a public charity serving thousands of people who share a common concern—improving the quality of life in Johnson County. Individuals, families, businesses, and organizations create permanent charitable funds that help our area meet the challenges of changing times. The foundation invests and administers these funds. We then use the distributions to award grants each year to many of the humanitarian, educational and cultural organizations in this remarkable county we call home. Our grant-making process is driven and informed by rich community knowledge, relying on the contributions of staff, board members and a broad and diverse group of community volunteers. More information on their website.

DEADLINE: Spring and Fall Deadlines


Muscatine Community Foundation

The Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine is pleased to offer granting opportunities to nonprofit organizations doing charitable work in Muscatine County. Created in 2004, the County Endowment Re-Granting Program is funded annually by a percentage of the state’s commercial gaming tax revenue. These funds are distributed annually to qualified community foundations in counties that do not have a state-issued gaming license. Because the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine is accredited by the National Council of Foundations and qualified by the Iowa Department of Economic Development, they are able to receive these grant dollars and “re-grant” them for programs, projects and services enhancing the quality of life in Muscatine County. Additionally, annual grants from endowment funds within the Community Foundation may be available. By completing their regular application form, your application will be considered for all granting opportunities for which it is eligible. More information on their website.


Foundation Funding

The following foundations offer funding opportunities for faculty and graduate students in the areas of education and psychology. 

3M Foundation – The 3M foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, employment, youth development, human services, and minorities. Special emphasis is directed toward programs designed to help prepare individuals and families for success.

AIR – With support from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), AIR sponsors a grant program titled: Improving Institutional Research in Postsecondary Educational Institutions. The goals of this program are to provide professional development opportunities to doctoral students, institutional researchers, educators and administrators, and to foster the use of federal databases for institutional research in postsecondary education. 

American Association of University Women Educational Foundation – The American Association of University Women (AAUW) Educational Foundation provides grants for professional development and projects designed to advance females’ achievement in math, science, and technology.

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) – AERA is pleased to announce the AERA Grants Program, which provides small grants, fellowships, and training for researchers who conduct studies of education policy and practice using quantitative methods and including the analysis of data from the large-scale data sets sponsored by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation – Grants on a selective basis for higher education; cultural affairs, including the humanities, museums, art conservation, and performing arts; conservation and the environment; and public affairs. Graduate fellowship program in the humanities administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, which makes all awards. 

Annenberg Foundation – The Annenberg Foundation’s focus is on the restructuring and reform of grades K through 12. 

Arthur Vining Davis Foundations – The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation provides financial assistance to educational, cultural, scientific, and religious institutions. 

Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) – AIEA is a membership organization formed in November 1982, is composed of institutional leaders engaged in advancing the international dimensions of higher education. The purposes of the Association are to: 1. provide an effective voice on significant issues within international education at all levels, 2. improve and promote international education programming and administration within institutions of higher education, 3. establish and maintain a professional network among international education institutional leaders, 4. cooperate in appropriate ways with other national and international groups having similar interests. 

AT&T Foundation – AT&T is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities and improving lives. Through its philanthropic initiatives and partnerships, AT&T and the AT&T Foundation supports projects that create opportunities, make connections and address community needs where we — and our customers — live and work. Supporting education has been a major focus for AT&T for more than a century, and education is our key philanthropy focus. We are driven to help students succeed — in school, in the workforce and in life. 

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is building upon the unprecedented opportunities of the 21st century to improve equity in global health and learning. The foundation clusters its giving around four program areas: Global Health, to ensure that lifesaving advances in health are created and shared with those who need them most; Education, to foster students prepared for college, work, and citizenship through academic rigor and personal attention; Global Libraries, to close the digital divide by providing access to knowledge through public libraries; and Pacific Northwest, to effect positive change for the region’s most vulnerable residents.  

Carnegie Corp of New York – Andrew Carnegie’s charge that the Corporation dedicate itself to the “advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding” has led it, over nearly 100 years of work, to support efforts to improve teaching and learning that have the potential to make a lasting and long-term contribution to the field of education. That history resonates throughout our current work in education, which is focused on three major areas: 1) advancing literacy, 2) urban school reform, and 3) teacher education reform. A theme that unites these subprograms is the overall goal of increasing access to quality education and a rich educational experience for all students that will prepare them for success in today’s knowledge-based economy. 

Comcast Corporation

The Comcast Innovation Fund offers funding for researchers at leading academic institutions and elsewhere to support research that is of mutual interest to Comcast and the research community. It also provides funding to support open source software development.

Empowering Minds Foundation – The Empowering Minds Foundation focuses on bringing opportunities to developing areas through new technology and sustainable educational programs. 

The Ford Foundation – The Ford Foundation’s mission is to serve as a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide. Its goals are to: strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement. Grants are made primarily within three broad categories: (1) asset building and community development; (2) knowledge, creativity, and freedom; and (3) peace and social justice. Local needs and priorities, within these subject areas, determine program activities in individual countries. 

Foundation Center – Founded in 1956, the Foundation Center is the nation’s leading authority on philanthropy and is dedicated to serving grant-seekers, grant-makers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public.

Fund for Teachers – Fund for Teachers is a nonprofit organization providing educational grants to teachers for summer sabbaticals. 

Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Grants and Special Programs – The Howard Hughes Medical Institute offers grants to students and institutions to promote science education. 

International Educational Research Foundation – The goal of the International Educational Research Foundation (IERF) conduct research and disseminate information on world educational systems and to facilitate the integration of individuals educated outside the United States into the U.S. educational environment and work force. Grants are upwards of 5,000. The closing date for applications is February 1 each year. 

Johnson & Johnson Corporate Charity – Johnson & Johnson Vision provides philanthropic contributions to eligible nonprofits in support of programs, projects, or initiatives aligned with our strategic focus areas. Review our Charitable Contributions FAQs for information on application requirements and troubleshooting 

Learning in the Real World – Learning in the Real World is dedicated to a rational examination of the costs and benefits of education technology before a decision is made concerning where and how much to invest. They make research grants to university investigators to develop, analyze and distribute information which will allow us to make rational decisions about when and where education technology and computers are a positive tool for children and when it detracts from their development. 

Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc. – Lumina Foundation for Education gives primarily to support and expand access to postsecondary education in the United States, particularly for students of low income or other underrepresented groups. The three main themes focused on are:  access, success, and adult learners. 

National Foundation for the Improvement of Education – The National Foundation for the Improvement of Education provides grants and assistance to teachers, education support personnel, and higher education faculty and staff to improve student learning in the nation’s public schools. 

National Science Foundation – The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…” With an annual budget of about $5.5 billion, they are the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. 

The Procter & Gamble Fund – The Procter & Gamble Fund supports organizations involved with education, youth development, human services, community development, and public policy research. 

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is devoted exclusively to health and health care and concentrates its grant-making in four areas: assuring access to quality health services for all Americans at reasonable cost; improving quality of care and support for people with chronic health conditions; promoting healthy communities and lifestyles; and reducing the harm caused by substance abuse – tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. 

Schott Foundation – The Schott Foundation works to develop and strengthen the movement for equity in education and child care.

Spencer Foundation – The Spencer Foundation grants funds to support research which contributes to the understanding and improvement of education. Grant programs include funding for faculty research and a variety of fellowship programs. 

VentureWell - VentureWell provides grant programs supporting early stage innovators, faculty initiatives, and I&E networks.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation – The W.K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 “to help people help themselves through the practical application of knowledge and resources to improve their quality of life and that of future generations.” The foundation bases its programming on the following values: 1) The foundation believes all people have the inherent capacity to effect change in their lives, their organizations, and their communities. The foundation respects individuals and value their collective interests, strengths, and insights. 2) The foundation believes stewardship requires fidelity to the spirit and intent of the founder, and the wise use of resources. The foundation believes in being responsible, prudent, selfless, and exercising good judgment. 3) The foundation believes innovation of thought and action leads to enduring and positive change in both formal and informal systems. 4) The foundation values integrity of purpose and action and believes it is essential to all of its affairs. To achieve the greatest impact, the foundation targets its grants toward specific areas: health; food systems and rural development; youth and education; and philanthropy and volunteerism. Within these areas, attention is given to exploring learning opportunities in leadership; information and communication technology; capitalizing on diversity; and social and economic community development. 

The Wallace Foundation – The Wallace Foundation’s mission is to enable institutions to expand learning and enrichment opportunities for all people. The foundation does this by supporting and sharing effective ideas and practices. To achieve their mission, they have three objectives: strengthen education leadership to improve student achievement; improve after-school learning opportunities; and expand participation in arts and culture. 

William T. Grant Foundation – The mission of the William T. Grant Foundation is to help create a society that values young people and enables them to reach their full potential. In pursuit of this goal, the foundation invests in research and in people and projects that use evidence-based approaches. Current grant making for research, policy analyses, and evaluations of interventions is restricted to the three interrelated topics that follow: 1) Youth Development: Understanding how youth develop strengths and assets such as the skills and relationships that contribute to their development and well-being; 2) Improving Systems, Organizations, and Programs: Understanding how to improve the quality of youth-serving systems, organizations, and program; and 3) Adults’ Use of Evidence and Their Views of Youth: Understanding how adults who are key constituents (influential policymakers, practitioners, scholars, advocates, and members of the media) view youth, and the policies and services that affect youth. The foundation also supports promising post-doctoral scholars from diverse disciplines through the William T. Grant Scholars Program, and through Youth Service Grants. Support also for local programs in the Tri-State area that actively engage young people and enable them to reach their full potential. 

Additional Funding Resources

Websites for Searching for Federal and State Funding Sources

Miscellaneous Websites for Searching for Funding Sources

Websites for Information About Private Funding Sources

Funding Opportunity Alert Services

Grant Proposal Preparation Websites

Grant and Research-Related Websites

International Travel Support

Application Procedures for COE International Travel Support

College of Education faculty who are interested in obtaining support for international travel for research or other professional purposes should first obtain a commitment of support (if possible) from their Department and the Dean before requesting support from the International Programs Office.

Procedures for requesting international travel support from the College and International Programs Office are outlined below. For questions or more information, contact Elizabeth Constantine at 335-6434 or

College of Education International Travel Support

Requesting International Travel Support from the College of Education

  1. Complete, print, and sign the College of Education Application for International Travel Support. Contact GRSC for a copy of this form.
  2. Contact your DEO and discuss the purpose of the proposed trip, the estimated cost, possible outcomes (e.g., publications, grants, formulating collaborative partnerships, etc.), and any other issues that could arise that might impact the Department (e.g., having to be absent from a class being taught).
  3. Your DEO will either (1) approve the request and commit support from the Department (if funds are available) or (2) approve the trip without a commitment of support (if no funds are available).
  4. Your DEO will complete and sign the appropriate section of the COE application form and return it to you.
  5. Forward the application form to the Dean (N459 LC) at least two weeks prior to the desired deadline for applying for funds from the International Programs Office.
  6. The Dean will either (1) approve the request and commit support from the College (if funds are available) or (2) approve the trip without a commitment of support (if no funds are available).
  7. The Dean will complete and sign the appropriate section of the COE application form and return it to you.
  8. Forward the COE application form to the International Programs Office along with other documentation in support of your International Programs Travel Grant application.
  9. When you return from your trip, you should route your travel expense voucher through your Department and the Dean’s office for processing. Your Department secretary can assist you in the preparation of the expense voucher.
  10. Submit a brief report to your DEO and the Dean of what was accomplished during the trip and any follow-up activities that may result. 

International Programs Office International Travel Award

Requesting an Int'l Programs Office International Travel Award

International Travel Awards provide support for international travel for research or to present the results of research at international conferences. Awards normally range from $400 – $600, although proposals meeting the review criteria may receive additional support. Tenured, tenure-track, and clinical faculty members at the University of Iowa are eligible. In an effort to provide resources and opportunities leading to tenure, junior faculty will receive a slightly higher level of support.

Applicants are required to contact their department and/or college for initial financial support and should include in their application and as part of their budget a clear indication of the level of support that each unit is providing. Applications will be reviewed five times each year by a faculty committee.

Application Deadline: The first of each month from January through December.


  1. Read the International Travel Award guidelines for important information.
  2. An application for an International Travel Award must be completed. The application can be completed and sent to the International Programs Office.
  3. Send via campus mail any hard copies of documentation needed to support the application (see item H on the application), including the completed College of Education Application for International Travel Support.
  4. Upon returning from your trip, send a brief written report to the International Programs Office (below) of what was accomplished during the trip and any anticipated follow-up activities, along with a completed and signed travel expense voucher.

For questions regarding International Travel Awards please contact:

International Programs Office of Academic Programs and Services
1111 University Capitol Centre 
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1802 