Articles from November 2018

In the news: Hawkeye Distinguished Veterans Memorial Award recipients to be honored Nov. 15
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Tiffany Baker-Strothkamp, a Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Program graduate student in the UI College of Education, is a recipient of a Hawkeye Distinguished Veterans Memorial Award.

Mandy Conrad gives a voice to rural veterans
Monday, November 12, 2018
Growing up in Casey, Iowa – a tiny town of about 400 people in southwest Iowa – Mandy Conrad saw firsthand what a lack of mental health services looks like. Conrad, who is a University of Iowa College of Education doctoral student in Counseling Psychology, serves rural veterans through her clinical work. Conrad comes from generations of family members who served our country. Her grandfather was a...

Boddicker helps veterans through new Troops To Teachers office
Friday, November 9, 2018
A new Troops to Teacher chapter recently opened in the UI College of Education’s Iowa Supports Education and Resources for Veterans and Enlisted (I-SERVE) Office, helping interested veterans explore a career in the field of teaching.
In the News: Cedar Rapids Washington's Valerie Nyberg is Assistant Secondary Principal of the Year
Monday, November 5, 2018
College of Education alumna Valerie Nyberg was named Assistant Secondary Principal of the Year by the School Administrators of Iowa.

Jemimah Young focuses her research on academic achievement of black women and girls
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Jemimah Young, an assistant professor of Social Studies Education with a specialization in Multicultural & Urban Education, wants to transform understandings regarding achievement and educational outcomes for marginalized and minorized populations, with a specific focus on black women and girls.

Lira designs innovative learning environments for students
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Matthew Lira, new clinical assistant professor in Educational Psychology and Learning Sciences, wants to design innovative learning environments for students.