Articles from June 2017
Grant expands impact of Iowa nonprofits' work with rural students
Monday, June 26, 2017
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation recently announced a two-year, $200,000 commitment to the Belin-Blank Center. The center is part of the University of Iowa College of Education. The center will use the grant to expand its Stem Excellence and Leadership (SEAL) program, which offers rigorous math and science enrichment classes before and after school, to students in grades 8 and 9 in 10 rural Iowa...

Alumnus makes a difference at Camp Courageous
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Charlie Becker leads by example. Becker (BA Political Science; Secondary Education Certification ’76), of Dubuque, Iowa, has done this both in the classroom and as executive director of Camp Courageous in Monticello, Iowa.

Student teaching in New Zealand an impactful experience
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Alison Failor had the opportunity to student teach at Birkdale North School in New Zealand.

Finding the right fit with UI REACH
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Cindi and Tony Williams, Oregon parents of newly-admitted UI REACH student Joshua Williams, recount their experience finding the program in this column in The Seattle Times.

UI Foundation, scholar thank ACT for program
Monday, June 19, 2017
Representatives from the University of Iowa Foundation, along with ACT Scholar DaVida Anderson, present an engraved wooden box to ACT representatives. The box was made from a tree that was damaged during a large-scale flood in recent years. Pictured, from left to right: Jeremy Mims, associate director of development, College of Education; Cally Murray, director of development, College of Education...
Ogren talks about student preparation with IPR
Friday, June 9, 2017
Chris Ogren, associate professor of the history of education in the Schools, Culture and Society program, spoke with Iowa Public Radio Talk of Iowa host Charity Nebbe about the history of education in the U.S. and how schools prepare children for college, careers, and engaged citizenship.
UI REACH grad enjoys working at Wrigley Field
Monday, June 5, 2017
Recent UI REACH alumnus Tanner Salinas talks about what it's like working at Wrigley Field in this Chicago Tribune article. Read the full article in the Chicago Tribune.