Teachers must be licensed in the state where they are teaching. The College of Education has two full-time licensure specialists dedicated to help you with the process.

We're here to help.

Meet our full-time licensure specialists, here to help you with licensure, the completion of your teacher preparation.

Smiling man in white shirt

David Tingwald


Smiling woman

Betsy Justis


Initial Teaching Licensure

Students who are completing a Teacher Education Program are strongly urged to apply for an Iowa teaching license*.

*Program completion alone does not license a person to teach.

Initial License Application Process

This section contains information for students of the University of Iowa who have completed a Teacher Education Program and are ready to apply for an initial teaching license

Other application information:
Licensed teachers who are adding endorsements should follow directions to add endorsements.

Students who have completed a professional service program (School Counseling, School Psychology, School Speech-Language Pathology, School Audiology, or School Social Work) should follow directions to apply for the initial professional services license (non-teachers) or to add endorsements (teachers).

Application steps and details

STEP 1: Complete online application to Board of Educational Examiners (BOEE)

See NOTES below for details on completing the online application.

  • Visit the How Do I Apply, Renew or Convert a License? web page.
    • Scroll to the bottom and Create a new account or log into an existing account.
  • Click "New Application or Renew" to start a new application.
    • Please select the type of application you would like to begin: Select "Apply for a new license"
    • Please select the Professional Area in which you are applying:
      In the drop-down menu, select "Teacher"
    • Please select application: In the drop-down menu, select "First Iowa Teaching, Counseling, or Class G license (Iowa Institution)
    • Continue through the application process.
  • Click “Finish” button to continue the process.
  • Complete Checklist: Click the "Complete Checklist" button to start.
    • There should be no optional attachments required.
  • Review Application: Click the "Review Application" button to start.
    • Select The University of Iowa
    • Enter any text in the Comments for Signer box.
    • You will be the message “Waiting on recommendation from college.”
    • Click “Finish” button.
  • Pay Fees: Click the "Pay Fees" button to start payment process.

STEP 2: Fingerprinting

Background checks completed earlier in the program or for other organizations will not substitute for the background check required by the BOEE for licensure. Those with a substitute or coaching authorization or paraeducator certification do not need to be fingerprinted again.

STEP 3: Submit forms to Office of Student Services

Complete the following application materials.

  • Program Checklist
    • You earn all the endorsement for which you are eligible when applying for the Initial License.
    • Use this form to tell Office of Student Services staff which endorsements you think you are getting
    • When in doubt, include endorsements you aren't sure about
  • Record of Field Experiences (Field Experiences form)
    • This form serves as a summary for your permanent College of Education record, which may be helpful for future licensure and employment applications.
    • Complete the "Record of Field Experiences form" provided above.
    • If you entered the TEP Summer 2020 through Fall 2021, indicate the Pre-admission hours were waived due to COVID.
    • Return the form to educ-licensure@uiowa.edu as a PDF.

STEP 4: Return completed application materials from Step 3.

Please email documents as PDF files or drop off in N201 and direct questions to:

Email documents to: educ-licensure@uiowa.edu
DIrect questions to: Betsy Justis (319-467-4285) or David Tingwald (319-335-5360)

If you prefer to mail the documents:
Office of Student Services/Licensure
The University of Iowa
N201 Lindquist Center
Iowa City, IA  52242-1529
fax: 319-335-5364

Strongly Recommended to Apply

You are strongly encouraged to apply for an Iowa teaching license upon completion of your program, even if you don't intend to teach in Iowa. Application for this license validates completion of our current University of Iowa approved program. The program you have just completed is currently on file and approved by the Iowa Department of Education.

As programs or licensure requirements change, you will eventually become ineligible for the initial Iowa license. It is much easier to renew than to apply later and meet a new set of program requirements. Holding an Iowa license is frequently beneficial when making application for licensure in another state.

Other States

If you also plan to apply for a teaching license in another state, visit Iowa Graduates Applying for Licensure in Other States.

Notes on completing forms

Online Application for Licensure

  • Web Browser: Parts of the online application may not work with all web browsers. If you get a message that your browser is not supported, please try a different browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari).
  • Click "New Application or Renew" to start a new application.
    • You are applying for a "First Iowa Teaching, Counseling, or Class G license (Iowa institution), not a First Intern License.
  • Complete Checklist: Click the "Complete Checklist" button to start.
    • Screening and Criminal History: Answer questions, and provide explanations as required. "When in doubt, disclose." Upload supporting documents as required.
    • Eligibility and Background 
      Background checks completed earlier in the program or for other organizations will not substitute for the background check required by the BOEE for licensure.
    • See Fingerprinting options, reading the information provided by the BOEE on fingerprinting procedures.
    • The background check takes 4-6 weeds to process so plan accordingly.
  • Pay Fees: Click the "Pay Fees" button to start. For most applicants, total fees should be $123: $85 for the license application, $35 for the background check, and a $3 "convenience fee." For applicants who do not need a background check (those with a substitute or coaching authorization or paraeducator certificate), the total fee will be $88. There is no additional fee for additional endorsements; all endorsements awarded with the initial license are included with the $123 or $88 fee.
  • Review Application: Click the "Review Application" button to start. In the drop-down menu, select "University of Iowa." "Applicant comments for signer": This box is a required field. You can use it to tell the University of Iowa's recommending official the endorsements for which you are applying. Click "Finish" to submit the application.
    • The message “Waiting of recommending official” is the correct message. You will be recommended upon completion of your program.
    • If you are asked to upload any documentation other than information to be provided in the screening and criminal history or name change sections, you have probably selected the incorrect application.

Fingerprint Cards

Updated: 8/15/2023

Adding Endorsements

Adding endorsements may make a teacher eligible to teach more subjects, or grade levels, and may make a teacher more marketable. This section contains general information for licensed teachers on working with the University of Iowa to add an endorsements.

For a complete listing of endorsements, please visit Program Guides on the Current Student Resources page.

Requirements and options for adding endorsements may vary based on the grade levels and content areas of the endorsements a teacher already holds, and may vary based on whether the teacher completed teacher preparation at the University of Iowa. Depending on the endorsement, requirements may include additional content area courses, education courses, and/or field experiences.

Adding an Endorsement

Adding an Endorsement for Licensed Teachers

This information is for licensed teachers who have completed requirements for an added endorsement with the University of Iowa, either under state of Iowa minimum standards or based on a state-approved program of the University of Iowa. Applicants for the Initial License do not need this application; all endorsements earned with the Initial License are included in the application for the Initial License.

STEP 1: Complete online application to Board of Educational Examiners (BOEE)

  • Visit the How Do I Apply, Renew or Convert a License? web page.
    • Scroll to the bottom and Create a new account or log into an existing account.
  • Click "New Application or Renew" to start a new application.
  • Enter your information (See below for notes on completing these steps), pay fees, and submit your application.

STEP 2: Submit forms to Office of Student Services

STEP 3: Return completed application materials from STEP 2.

Please email documents as PDF files or drop off in N201 and direct questions to:

Email documents to: educ-licensure@uiowa.edu
DIrect questions to: Betsy Justis (319-467-4285) or David Tingwald (319-335-5360)

Office of Student Services
The University of Iowa
N201 Lindquist Center
Iowa City, IA  52242-1529
fax: 319-335-5364

Strongly Recommended to Apply

You are strongly encouraged to apply to add an endorsement on completion of requirements, even if you don't intend to use the endorsement immediately. As endorsement requirements change, you will eventually become ineligible for the endorsement.

Notes on completing forms

Online Application for Licensure

  • Please select the type of application you would like to begin: Select "Add Endorsement"
  • Select Application: Use the drop-down menu to select "Add Teaching Endorsement (use only if an Iowa institution will be recommending you)"

Program Checklist

  • Use this form to tell Office of Student Services staff which endorsements you think you are getting
  • When in doubt, include endorsements you aren't sure about

Program Guide

  • Use this form to tell Office of Student Services staff the courses you took to fulfill program requirements, and the semester when you took them.
  • If you took a course other than the course listed, signature of the program's faculty adviser may be required, verifying the course substitution.
  • Omit this form if you are applying to add the endorsement based on a transcript evaluation under state-of-Iowa minimum standards.


Last updated: 11/11/21

Out of State/Country Licensure

Licensure Renewal

For in-service teachers:

Iowa Licensure

To renew an Iowa educator, administrator, PSL, or SPR:

Professional Development

The Baker Teacher Leader Center (BTLC) offers numerous opportunities to earn Iowa Licensure Renewal credits for license renewal. For a complete listing of offerings, please:

Additional Resources

Substitute Teaching while in the TEP

The University of Iowa College of Education does not allow students to substitute teach during the student teaching semester. You may consider substitute teaching prior to that semester when your schedule allows.

Iowa law provides options for individuals to become authorized to substitute teach. One of these options, a "Substitute Authorization," can be available to students enrolled in the Teacher Education Program (TEP) who have not yet completed the TEP [Iowa Administrative Code 282-22.2(272)].

The Substitute Authorization does not allow for service as a long-term substitute. Long-term substitute teaching requires a teaching license or Substitute License, which requires completion of a teacher preparation program.

TEP practicum and student teaching requirements are not satisfied by substitute teaching experience. Substitute teaching is not permitted during student teaching.

Application for a Substitute Authorization requires a background check under Board of Educational Examiners requirements.
Teacher candidates may wish to consider professional liability insurance for teachers, especially for substitute teaching in non-public schools.


Requirements for a Substitute Authorization include:

  • an associate’s degree or 60 semester hours of college coursework; and
  • completion of an approved Substitute Authorization program. The orientation courses of the University of Iowa TEP are approved as Substitute Authorization programs:
    • EDTL:3091 Secondary Education Orientation and Classroom Management, or
    • EDTL:3190 Orientation to Elementary Education.
  • There is no longer a minimum age requirement.


Apply online with the Board of Educational Examiners; within the application, upload:

  • an official University of Iowa transcript;
  • other college/university transcripts (if you have earned fewer than 60 semester hours at the University of Iowa);
  • a note written by you stating that the course, EDTL:3091 or EDTL:3190, is the approved Substitute Authorization program you completed (see below for sample).

No verification from the College of Education is required.

For more information

University of Iowa College of Education
Office of Student Services

Last updated: 10/25/2023

Sample note to upload with your application:

Your Name
Folder No. (assigned during the application process)

I am applying for the Substitute Authorization. I have completed (EDTL:3091 Secondary Education Orientation and Classroom Management, or EDTL:3190 Orientation to Elementary Education), the approved Substitute Authorization course at the University of Iowa, as documented on my official transcript uploaded during the application process.

Your Signature

Professional Service Programs

Practice in the education setting in the areas of School Counseling, School Psychology, School Social Work, School Speech-Language Pathology, or School Audiology requires a teaching license or Professional Service License with endorsement in the area, or a Statement of Professional Recognition.

For a complete list of program guides, please visit Program Guides.

  • For those who are not licensed teachers and have completed a University of Iowa program in School Counseling, School Psychology, School Social Work, School Speech-Language Pathology, or School Audiology -- and the required professional education courses -- may apply for the Professional Service License.
  • Individuals who have completed a program in Speech Language Pathology, School Audiology, or School Social Work -- without professional education courses -- may apply through the Iowa Board of Education Examiners for the Statement of Professional Recognition (SPR).
  • Individuals who have completed one of these programs and already are licensed teachers should follow directions for Adding Endorsements, above, to add the endorsement to the teaching license.

Funding for Teacher Preparation

Title II Report

In accordance with the Higher Education Act, please find our  most recently submitted Title II Report submitted to the state of Iowa.