Educator preparation programs of the University of Iowa College of Education are approved by the state of Iowa for Iowa teaching licensure. These notes are to assist students who plan to teach in Illinois with preparation for Illinois teaching licensure. State licensure requirements can change without notice, and students who plan to teach in states other than Iowa are responsible for monitoring licensure requirements in the states where they plan to teach.
The Illinois State Board of Education website indicates, "Effective July 1, 2018, Illinois offers full reciprocity. At the time of the initial evaluation for an Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL), educators will be considered for all areas listed on his or her valid, comparable out of state license."
All students who complete an educator preparation program of The University of Iowa are recommended to apply for a state-of-Iowa Initial License for teaching. A copy of the Iowa Initial License, and college transcripts, will be supporting documents you will submit for the Illinois PEL.
Illinois Requirements
- A copy of your valid, comparable out of state license (for graduates of The University of Iowa Teacher Education Program, this would be the Iowa teaching license)
- A bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education
The Illinois State Board of Education website indicates, "Illinois offers full reciprocity for all endorsements listed on a valid, comparable out-of-state license. To add subsequent endorsements to your Professional Educator License (PEL) via reciprocity, please apply for the endorsement in your ELIS account and provide a copy of your valid, comparable out-of-state license."
Supplemental Requirements
Prior to July 1, 2018, the state of Illinois required out-of-state teachers to complete supplemental courses and tests to be eligible to receive the Professional Educator License. Effective July 1, 2018, the state of Illinois requires no supplemental courses or tests for out-of-state teachers who apply with a copy of their valid, comparable out of state license, and their bachelor's degree transcript.
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) licenses teachers in the state of Illinois, and publishes instructions, requirements, and forms. If you have questions about Illinois requirements for endorsements, testing requirements, or other aspects of applying for a teaching license in Illinois, an Illinois Regional Office of Education may be the best source of information.
Updated: 10/29/2018