During a successful field experience there are three contributors to the field experience "Triad," these include the field experience student, the cooperating teacher or mentor teacher, and the university supervisor. From our perspective, the supervisor is an important contributor serving as the university's point-person and liaison between the teacher education program, the school, and the student. The conscientious supervisor assumes many responsibilities including, facilitator, observer, critic, counselor, and all around "trouble-shooter."

The resources provided on this page are designed to support field experience supervisory personnel. Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Student Field Experiences for additional information or to offer suggestions or requests for additional resources that might be included on this page. 

Payment & Reimbursement

Questions about travel can be directed to USS-Education@uiowa.edu or Bellinda Assemien (bellinda-assemien@uiowa.edu).

Mileage Reimbursement Instructions

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TO: College Supervisors
FROM: Student Field Experiences
RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement

Record mileage only. We cannot reimburse you for postage, copying, meals, parking, registrations, etc. In areas where toll roads have to be driven, please enter the dollar amount in the “tolls” column.

Please submit your vouchers monthly or at the midterm of each semester. 

The University of Iowa now requires us to use their electronic system for submission of travel expenses. Because non-UI employees do not have access to this system, we ask that you complete a voucher form for mileage reimbursement and send it to our office. We will enter the information into the UI system for you. It is no longer necessary for you to compute the reimbursement amount. The UI system automatically figures the dollar amounts according to the mileage entered. The current reimbursement rate is $0.58/mile for round trip mileage.

After your mileage reimbursement is entered into the UI system, you will receive an email generated from UI Accounts Payable that will say:

“On MM/DD/YY 0:00 PM, USS-Education@uiowa.edu wrote:
A summary of the request for travel for your trip to various cities, (state) on MM/DD/YYYY is attached. Please review the request and assure that it is correct. If not, please send your request for changes via return email as soon as possible. Your response and approval is required.”

You need to reply to this email with a short comment to the effect that you give your approval. This reply is considered your electronic signature. If you do not have email, a form can be mailed to you for your signature.

Vouchers should be sent to:

The University of Iowa
University Shared Services
224 C&D Lindquist Center South
Iowa City, IA 52242-1529

If you have questions, USS Shared Services may be reached by phone at 319-335-5574 or via email at USS-Education@uiowa.edu.