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UI REACH Newsletter
Read the latest news in our UI REACH newsletter!
UI REACH Newsletter Archive
When you join the UI REACH family, you join a supportive and fun community that grows with you beyond your time on campus.
UI REACH is excited to announce continuing education and support opportunities for our alumni!
Program graduates can now enroll in online classes offered by UI REACH. These classes are beneficial in updating work skills and include some of the subjects mentioned under our enhanced credentials section. The cost of participation is nominal, and the classes tend to run concurrent with the schedule for each semester.
Program graduates can receive limited support in benefits management, individualized plan development for employment, social, independent living and educational support.
For more information on these supports, please contact Brian Campbell, Alumni Support Specialist.
EXTEND ensures that UI REACH alumni and families have lifelong opportunities to connect with each other through social gatherings that create ongoing relationships and a commitment to the University of Iowa.
Current and Past Events
- Summer and Winter ReConnects have occurred in Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and Des Moines. Our 2021 event was held in Iowa City with a record attendance of over 100 people representing students from every graduating class and their families. Stay tuned for details of this year’s event!
- Tailgate Parties for home Iowa Football games and homecoming parties are occasionally hosted by alum and parents.
- Local alumni group meeting events – Iowa City alum meet monthly for dinner. Start an alumni group in your area!
The EXTEND steering committee members consist of current and alum students and parents that are focused on continued improvement of UI REACH through communication, social gatherings, education/advocacy and fundraising for events.
We would love to have you involved with EXTEND. For more information on current events please contact Brian Campbell, UI REACH Alumni Support Specialist. You can also support/sponsor EXTEND events by designating a gift for the UI REACH ReConnect on our support page.