Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) Track

Spring 2025 BTLC/Dyslexia Asynchronous Learning Opportunities

Monday, January 20 to Friday, April 11, 2025 (all day)
TEP students in the TLC/Dyslexia and TLC/IS tracks are now able to receive TLC Credit by completing asynchronous workshops offered through the Iowa Reading Research Center. Please use your Uiowa email and address to register for free. COURSE: Dyslexia Overview Module  Please register here. BTLC credit: IS, D (1 Credit) Description: This module is designed to provide an overview of this reading disability, no matter the participant’s prior knowledge of dyslexia. Additional course details and...

Introduction to Social Emotional Behavioral Mental Health (SEBMH)

Tuesday, March 4 12:00pm to Monday, March 31, 2025 11:59pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH This is an asynchronous module. After registering, you will be invited to the module's ICON course. Please allow up to 24 hours for the ICON invite to arrive in your email inbox. Description: This session is MANDATORY for all teacher candidates who have registered for the TLC-SEBMH track, however all students are welcome to attend.    This introductory workshop will provide an overview of what systemic SEBMH looks like in a learning environment...

Introduction to Globalization and Internationalization

Thursday, March 13, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: GO, IS  *This workshop is mandatory for the GO track. Presenter: Theodora Kourkoulou, Assistant Clinical Professor of Elementary Education Description: Students are entering a world that is more globally interconnected and complicated than ever before, yet often lack the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively operate in that space. In this workshop, teacher candidates will learn the fundamentals of global education, and internationalization, and...

Twice-Exceptionality Tips for Teachers

Thursday, March 13, 2025 5:15pm to 6:15pm
Please register hereBTLC Credit: IS, AATD Presenter(s): Katie Schabilion, Supervisor of Clinical Services, and Zeus Pichardo, Licensed Psychologist, Belin-Blank Center Description: Twice-exceptional (2e) students are those who manifest areas of both high ability and disability (Reis, Baum, & Burke, 2014). This workshop will describe this seemingly paradoxical group of students and provide tips for recognizing them, understanding their needs, and helping them succeed in school. Learning...

Creating an Inclusive Classroom

Monday, March 24, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here. BTLC Credits: IS, UI REACH Presenter(s): Stacie Nelson, UI Reach Instructor Description: In this workshop, students will learn how to create a classroom environment where every student feels valued, respected and safe, while creating a sense of belonging and active engagement. Learning goals: 1) Apply differentiated teaching to accommodate diverse learning styles. 2) Use collaborative activities to help students form connections and learn from each other. 3) Create...

It Starts with Engagement

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register hereBTLC Credits: IS, UI REACH Student engagement is one of the core pillars of Universal Design for Learning. This workshop will explore engagement strategies, and highlight why student engagement should be at the top of the list for any educator! Content Covered: Multiple Means of Engagement: This principle emphasizes providing various ways to motivate and engage students. It includes offering choices, fostering collaboration, and encouraging self-assessment. Relevance...
Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students promotional image

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here.   Students presenting with both high cognitive/academic ability and a disability (e.g., Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorder) are referred to as “twice exceptional.” This population presents with a unique set of social-emotional needs due to their asynchronous development and limited access to specialized support. This presentation will provide an overview of twice-exceptionality, identify key challenges and vulnerabilities for this population, and offer evidence-based...
Supporting Students Through Grief and Loss promotional image

Supporting Students Through Grief and Loss

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here Participants will be provided psychoeducation on grief, including different types of grief, common symptoms of grief, and how grief can manifest differently across people. Strategies that educators can use to support students who are experiencing grief and loss will be reviewed. What You Will Learn:  Define aspects of grief and loss Discuss various presentations of grief and loss Identify common emotions associated with grief and loss Learn ways to emotionally...

Let's GO There

Thursday, March 27, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register hereBTLC Credits: IS, GO Presenter(s): Hannah Gorsh, PhD student, Former 5-12 Social Studies and PK-12 TAG Teacher Description: Globalization is only mentioned in the standards in 15 U.S. states. Why is that? In this workshop, we will learn a brief history of global citizenship education, and the research which examines the hesitance to embark on GCE in the k-12 classroom. Participants will build capacity on how to infuse a global lens into their future classrooms and make it...

ML Workshop 2: Reading and Vocabulary Support for Multilingual Learners

Thursday, March 27, 2025 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, ML Presenter(s): Dr. Lia Plakans, Professor of Multilingual Education, Dr. David Degollado, Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education,  Dr. Marina Durinova, Visiting Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education,  Description: This workshop is MANDATORY for students in the ML Track. The session on reading and vocabulary development aligns with the Core Principle of developing learners' skills and supporting their intellects. Upon completion of the...

Social Emotional Behavioral Mental Health (SEBMH) Track

Introduction to Social Emotional Behavioral Mental Health (SEBMH)

Tuesday, March 4 12:00pm to Monday, March 31, 2025 11:59pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH This is an asynchronous module. After registering, you will be invited to the module's ICON course. Please allow up to 24 hours for the ICON invite to arrive in your email inbox. Description: This session is MANDATORY for all teacher candidates who have registered for the TLC-SEBMH track, however all students are welcome to attend.    This introductory workshop will provide an overview of what systemic SEBMH looks like in a learning environment...
Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students promotional image

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here.   Students presenting with both high cognitive/academic ability and a disability (e.g., Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorder) are referred to as “twice exceptional.” This population presents with a unique set of social-emotional needs due to their asynchronous development and limited access to specialized support. This presentation will provide an overview of twice-exceptionality, identify key challenges and vulnerabilities for this population, and offer evidence-based...
Supporting Students Through Grief and Loss promotional image

Supporting Students Through Grief and Loss

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here Participants will be provided psychoeducation on grief, including different types of grief, common symptoms of grief, and how grief can manifest differently across people. Strategies that educators can use to support students who are experiencing grief and loss will be reviewed. What You Will Learn:  Define aspects of grief and loss Discuss various presentations of grief and loss Identify common emotions associated with grief and loss Learn ways to emotionally...
Trauma-Informed Classroom Practices: Disruptive Behaviors promotional image

Trauma-Informed Classroom Practices: Disruptive Behaviors

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register here.  Topic 1: Begin with framework of trauma experiences that are common to youth in Iowa. Then we will further mental health outcomes of trauma and how that might result in classroom behaviors. We will then wrap up the session discussing level 1 interventions that would provide support for students whom may have experienced trauma in their life. Topic 2: Disruptive Behaviors through a Mental Health Lens: Let's talk about what disruptive behaviors look like in the classroom...
Supporting Students with Eating Disorders- Where Do I Even Start? promotional image

Supporting Students with Eating Disorders- Where Do I Even Start?

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 5:00pm to 6:15pm
Please register here. Eating disorders in students have more than doubled over the last several years and school mental health providers may be the first to notice. Build awareness of the signs and symptoms of eating disorders and how to connect students and families with resources and support. What You Will Learn:  Develop awareness of signs and symptoms of eating disorders. Increase knowledge about the levels of care and support available for individuals with eating disorders. Gain...
Emotional Labor in Education: Managing the Invisible Work of Teaching promotional image

Emotional Labor in Education: Managing the Invisible Work of Teaching

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 5:00pm to 5:50pm
Please register here.  In this session, we will discuss the role that emotions, and emotional labor, play in the professional lives of teachers. Then, we will focus on strategies to effectively instruct in an affectively healthy and beneficial manner. The professional development will provide teachers with tools to improve their vocational health, along with strategies to implement in the classroom.   What You Will Learn:  Participants will recognize the ways in which emotional labor, and...
LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)-UISG promotional image

LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)-UISG

Thursday, April 24 8:30am to Friday, April 25, 2025 4:30pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here.   ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. As the world’s leading suicide intervention workshop, LivingWorks’ ASIST program is supported by numerous evaluations including independent and peer-reviewed studies. Results demonstrate that ASIST helps participants become more willing, ready, and...
LivingWorks safeTALK promotional image

LivingWorks safeTALK

Wednesday, April 30, 2025 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here.  safeTALK prepares people to be more alert to suicide and to help persons with thoughts of suicide make safe connections. The intervention goal is that persons with thoughts of suicide connect with someone who will help them keep safe from suicide and access further support. What You Will Learn:  Describe the role of an alert helper/ connector. Identify ways in which personal, cultural, and social attitudes can lead people to miss, dismiss, and avoid opportunities to...
LivingWorks safeTALK promotional image

LivingWorks safeTALK

Monday, June 9, 2025 8:30am to 12:30pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here.   safeTALK prepares people to be more alert to suicide and to help persons with thoughts of suicide make safe connections. The intervention goal is that persons with thoughts of suicide connect with someone who will help them keep safe from suicide and access further support. What You Will Learn:  Describe the role of an alert helper/ connector. Identify ways in which personal, cultural, and social attitudes can lead people to miss, dismiss, and avoid opportunities to...


It Starts with Engagement

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register hereBTLC Credits: IS, UI REACH Student engagement is one of the core pillars of Universal Design for Learning. This workshop will explore engagement strategies, and highlight why student engagement should be at the top of the list for any educator! Content Covered: Multiple Means of Engagement: This principle emphasizes providing various ways to motivate and engage students. It includes offering choices, fostering collaboration, and encouraging self-assessment. Relevance...
Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students promotional image

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here.   Students presenting with both high cognitive/academic ability and a disability (e.g., Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorder) are referred to as “twice exceptional.” This population presents with a unique set of social-emotional needs due to their asynchronous development and limited access to specialized support. This presentation will provide an overview of twice-exceptionality, identify key challenges and vulnerabilities for this population, and offer evidence-based...

EVEN MORE Ways to Create an Inclusive Classroom

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here.  BTLC Credits: IS, UI REACH In this workshop, students will learn more ways to create a classroom environment that values, welcomes and supports all students. This will provide a sense of belonging for all students. What You Will Learn:  Apply strategies for creating family engagement within the classroom. Foster cultural responsiveness to create a sense of belonging.  Integrate support services to enhance student learning and well-being. Workshop Details:  When...

Using Functional Communication Training for Challenging Behavior

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 5:15pm to 6:15pm
Lindquist Center
Please register hereBTLC Credits: IS, UI REACH Challenging behaviors are prevalent in 20% of individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities (DD). Behaviors such as aggression and self-injury often interfere with classroom dynamics and prevent students with DD from being placed in inclusive settings. This presentation addresses these challenges by reviewing functional communication training (FCT), an evidence-based behavioral intervention. FCT teaches individuals an alternative...

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Thursday, April 3, 2025 5:15pm to 6:00pm
Please register hereBTLC Credit: IS, UI REACH This presentation describes applied behavior analysis (ABA), a discipline often involved with services for students with disabilities. Common roles served by professionals in ABA and a brief explanation of how these techniques might be relevant to instruction are explained. What You Will Learn: Describe applied behavior analysis. Understand applications of functional thinking to common classroom situations. Workshop Details:...

Multilingual Learner (ML) Track

ML Workshop 2: Reading and Vocabulary Support for Multilingual Learners

Thursday, March 27, 2025 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, ML Presenter(s): Dr. Lia Plakans, Professor of Multilingual Education, Dr. David Degollado, Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education,  Dr. Marina Durinova, Visiting Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education,  Description: This workshop is MANDATORY for students in the ML Track. The session on reading and vocabulary development aligns with the Core Principle of developing learners' skills and supporting their intellects. Upon completion of the...

ML Workshop 3: Family & Community Engagement

Friday, March 28, 12:00pm to Friday, April 11, 2025 11:59pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, ML Presenter(s): Lia Plakans, Professor of Multilingual Education, David Degollado, Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education, Marina Durinova, Visiting Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education,  Description: **This is an asynchronous workshop through ICON. Registered students will have access to the ICON workshop beginning March 28 with a completion deadline of April 11. This workshop is MANDATORY for students in the ML Track.** This session on...

ML Workshop 4: Oral Language Development

Thursday, April 10, 2025 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, ML Presenter(s): Dr. Lia Plakans, Professor of Multilingual Education, Dr. David Degollado, Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education, Dr. Marina Durinova, Visiting Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education Description: This workshop is MANDATORY for students in the ML track. This session aligns with the Core Principle of developing learners' skills and supporting their intellects. Upon completion of the workshop, students will be able to deliver...

Advanced Academics and Talent Development (AATD) Track

Twice-Exceptionality Tips for Teachers

Thursday, March 13, 2025 5:15pm to 6:15pm
Please register hereBTLC Credit: IS, AATD Presenter(s): Katie Schabilion, Supervisor of Clinical Services, and Zeus Pichardo, Licensed Psychologist, Belin-Blank Center Description: Twice-exceptional (2e) students are those who manifest areas of both high ability and disability (Reis, Baum, & Burke, 2014). This workshop will describe this seemingly paradoxical group of students and provide tips for recognizing them, understanding their needs, and helping them succeed in school. Learning...

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Design, and Math (STEAM) Track

3D and Me: STEAM Learning with 3D Design Tools and 3D Printers

Monday, April 7, 2025 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, STEAM Presenters: Kay Ramey, Assistant Professor, Learning Sciences and Educational Psychology, and Darrell Currington, Makerspace Facilitator  Description: In this workshop, students will gain hands-on experience participating in and designing STEAM activities using 3D design software and 3D printers. For the hands-on STEAM challenge, students will get to design and print a 3D object of their choosing. They will learn about 3D design tools and be...

Global Opportunities (GO) Track

Introduction to Globalization and Internationalization

Thursday, March 13, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: GO, IS  *This workshop is mandatory for the GO track. Presenter: Theodora Kourkoulou, Assistant Clinical Professor of Elementary Education Description: Students are entering a world that is more globally interconnected and complicated than ever before, yet often lack the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively operate in that space. In this workshop, teacher candidates will learn the fundamentals of global education, and internationalization, and...

Let's GO There

Thursday, March 27, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register hereBTLC Credits: IS, GO Presenter(s): Hannah Gorsh, PhD student, Former 5-12 Social Studies and PK-12 TAG Teacher Description: Globalization is only mentioned in the standards in 15 U.S. states. Why is that? In this workshop, we will learn a brief history of global citizenship education, and the research which examines the hesitance to embark on GCE in the k-12 classroom. Participants will build capacity on how to infuse a global lens into their future classrooms and make it...

Colonialism, Imperialism and the Histories that Shaped Us

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credits: IS, GO *This workshop is mandatory for the GO track. People, communities, cultures, and countries are more connected with others across the globe than they have ever been. Globalization, however, is not without problems, both ethical and social. This workshop will explore the global and local dimensions of social, historical and cultural issues that shape us, with a particular lens on how schools and educators act as mediators in these issues.  What you will...

Dyslexia (D) Track

Spring 2025 BTLC/Dyslexia Asynchronous Learning Opportunities

Monday, January 20 to Friday, April 11, 2025 (all day)
TEP students in the TLC/Dyslexia and TLC/IS tracks are now able to receive TLC Credit by completing asynchronous workshops offered through the Iowa Reading Research Center. Please use your Uiowa email and address to register for free. COURSE: Dyslexia Overview Module  Please register here. BTLC credit: IS, D (1 Credit) Description: This module is designed to provide an overview of this reading disability, no matter the participant’s prior knowledge of dyslexia. Additional course details and...