Explore Teaching
For more information on available programs, licensure, classroom experience and student teaching information please visit:

Elementary Education
The Elementary Education program will prepare you to be an outstanding K-6 teacher who will truly realize the capabilities of every learner in your future classroom.
Admission requirements and application instructions are on the BA Elementary Education Program webpage.
Secondary Education
Apply to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
If you're pursuing licensure in an area other than elementary education, you'll begin your time at Iowa as a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) student. To be admitted, you'll need to meet the CLAS admissions requirements* and follow the standard first-year admissions process.
Complete 30 s.h. of credit
Be sure to check and complete the required courses for admission to your desired Teacher Education Program area.
Complete 10 hours of pre-admission field experience
Field experience will be required for students applying for the Fall 2022 term.
Apply to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)
To submit your application, go to uiowa.tk20.com and click the "Admissions" tab below the login fields to create your account. Prepare the following documents to submit with your application:
- Completed verification of 10-hour field experience form
- Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
- Two recommendations (using Recommendation Form)
- An essay of no more than 500 words on the following topic: Why, personally and professionally, do you want to be a teacher in the area to which you're applying?
- An updated resume of paid and/or volunteer work experience
Semester entry | applications open | priority deadline | final deadline |
Spring | Sep. 1 - Dec. 1 | Oct. 1 | Dec. 1 |
Summer/Fall | Feb. 1 - May 1 | Mar. 1 | May 1 |
*Additional admissions requirements will apply for students from outside the U.S. or whose native language is not English.
Graduate Programs
Each graduate program has distinct admissions requirements.
For graduate programs with teacher licensure (MAT) you will also need to complete the 10-hour field experience and course requirements listed above. Find your area of study and contact your program of interest to find specific application information. In most cases, you will apply to the:
Admission and Application Policies
10-Hour Pre-Admission School Field Experience
Under the direction of the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, the University of Iowa requires that applicants to the Teacher Education Program complete, document and submit a qualifying 10‐hour school field experience prior to consideration of their application. The field experience may be completed in any school district, including districts near the University of Iowa, as well as those in other communities and other states.
The experience must fit the following parameters:
- Completed in a classroom setting in the grade range and subject area of the program to which you are applying (K‐6 or 5‐12)
- Completed in a state‐approved school and under the supervision of a licensed teacher
- Completed in a real school classroom with a real teacher, if done virtually. Online simulation schools do NOT qualify.
Please refer to the documentation form for further information.
Applicants are responsible for identifying a school district in which to complete this experience, contacting the district and following the protocol of the district for volunteers. The University of Iowa College of Education cannot set up this experience for you or provide any documentation to the school district beyond the verification form. International applicants are encouraged to complete this experience in a school with a U.S. curriculum.
The 10‐Hour Pre‐Admission School Field Experience Verification Form must be used to document this experience; applicants are welcome to submit more than one verification sheet but must fill out all required information on each sheet submitted.
Last updated: 01/10/22
Additional Program Area Admission Requirements
Art Education (K‐8 and 5‐12)
- Completion of 12 semester hours of art and art history courses with a minimum GPA of 3.00
Elementary Education (K-6)
- At least one recommendation from a college/university instructor
Foreign Language (5‐12)
- Completion of 12 semester hours of course in language of program
Mathematics Education (5‐12)
- Completion of Calculus I and II with a minimum GPA of 2.50
Social Studies Education (5-12)
- Completion of 9 semester hours in content-area courses, with a minimum GPA of 3.0:
- 3 s.h. in HIST *
- 6 additional s.h. across HIST, POLI, ECON, GEOG, SOC, ANTH, or PSY
Music Education (K‐8 and 5‐12)
- Admission to the School of Music
- Completion of 12 semester hours of music courses with a minimum GPA of 3.00 in music courses
English Education (5‐12)
- At least one recommendation from an English professor, preferably from the University of Iowa
- Completion of or in the process of completing the following courses:
- English Majors
- ENGL:2010:Foundations of the English Major
- ENGL:201*: Reading and Writing About … (Novel, Short Stories, Drama, Essay, Poetry)
- A course in American Lit (ENGL 24**/34**/4001/4005)
- A course in British Lit (ENGL 23**/33**/4002/4006)
- English and Creative Writing Majors
- ENGL:2010 Foundations of the English Major
- ENGL:2020 Foundations of Creative Writing
- A course in American Lit (ENGL 24**, 34**/4001/4005)
- A course in British Lit (ENGL 23**/33**/4002/4006).
- English Majors
Transfer Students
In addition to the other requirements of the application to the Teacher Education Program, applicants who have been enrolled in education courses with a field‐experience component at another institution must submit the Student Consent for Release of Records form, authorizing the College of Education to communicate with the other institution about the applicant’s academic performance and professional behaviors.
Applicants with a Bachelor's Degree
Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree may have undergraduate‐level or graduate‐level options to pursue a Teacher Education Program. In addition to submission of the Teacher Education Program application materials, students submit an online application through the University of Iowa Office of Admissions.
All Teacher Education Programs may be completed for undergraduate credit as a non‐degree student. For admission to the University of Iowa, applicants for this submit the Undergraduate Non‐Degree Student Application.
Some secondary Teacher Education Programs may have graduate degree‐seeking (M.A.T.) or non‐degree program options. For admission to graduate degree programs, applicants visit UI Graduate Admissions. Applicants who wish to complete a secondary Teacher Education Program for graduate credit, but without a degree submit the Graduate Non‐Degree Student Application.
International Applicants
Teacher Education Programs of the University of Iowa are approved preparation programs for teaching in the state of Iowa and provide good preparation for teaching elsewhere in the United States. Successful applicants will have strong oral English‐language competency and demonstrate knowledge of or ability to adapt to the culture of U.S. schools. For non‐native speakers of English, TOEFL is required for consideration of an application if the applicant has not completed a degree at a college or university where English is the language of instruction. International applicants are encouraged to complete the 10‐Hour Pre‐Admission School Field Experience in a school that offers a U.S. curriculum. International applicants must meet the stated minimum scores on the admission test.
Limited Number of Applications Allowed
Applicants who are not admitted may reapply no more than twice (total of three applications) and to reapply must have substantive change in application (such as a higher grade‐point average, new recommendations or more hours of volunteer experience). This applies only to applicants whose application files have been reviewed by the faculty of a program; incomplete applications are not counted toward the three attempts. Applicants who have previously been denied by the faculty are encouraged to consult with the program area coordinator about their plans to reapply.
How to Submit Your TK20 Application
Please review the directions provided here. We recommend using Google Chrome, so please check your current browser information.
To submit your application, go to:
TK 20 Application Instructions
Create your account:
- Click to open the “Admissions” tab at bottom. Then click on “Click here to create your account” at very bottom. DO NOT enter “username” and “password” if this is your first visit to the site.
- Provide the required information in “Create Applicant Account” using your UI email, then click “Submit.”
After you've created your account (or signed in):
- Click on “Applications” in the left side menu.
- From the drop-down menu at top of page, select the appropriate application for your program and click “Next”
- Complete the application
- If you need to stop before your application is complete, click “Save” at the bottom of the form and then click “Close.” DO NOT SUBMIT until your application is complete.
- When the application is complete, click the green “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the form. You cannot make any changes to the application once you SUBMIT the application.
After you submit your application you will receive a notification from the Office of Student Services that either:
- Your application is complete and will be reviewed by the admissions committee, or
- Your application is incomplete. Please submit the following items.
Teacher Education Program Policies
Both the undergraduate and graduate Teacher Education Programs are committed to attracting the very strongest candidates for teaching. To meet the needs of our teacher candidates, we have developed a rich and coherent curriculum in teacher preparation that combines academically challenging course work with a range of carefully selected professional field experiences. Students will work hard once they enter the program, and our expectations concerning students' academic performance and professional growth are quite high. Therefore, we have developed the following requirements for Teacher Education Program students.
Academic Policies
Teacher Education Program Policies and Reminders
Every student admitted to the Teacher Education Program ("teacher candidate") is responsible for reading and understanding program policies. Teacher Education Program policies are subject to change; teacher candidates are encouraged to maintain regular contact with their TEP advisor. For Teacher Education Program policy questions, contact the Office of Student Services, N201 Lindquist Center, 319-335-5359.
Any student admitted to the Teacher Education Program who does not validate their UI admission within one year or any student who begins classes and is not enrolled for 12 months consecutively will need to reapply to the Teacher Education Program and meet any new application requirements, and may be required to repeat certain course work and field experiences. Those who do not start their Teacher Education Program in the semester following the admission notice must contact Stacy Ervin, N201 Lindquist Center, 319-335-6251, stacy-ervin@uiowa.edu. It is possible that students would be asked to reapply if there is a two-semester delay to starting the program.
Course Requirements, Progression, and Expiration
Following admission to the Teacher Education Program students must complete the licensure components of their coursework -- including student teaching -- within a five-year period. (For example, a student admitted for Fall 2009 must student teach no later than Spring, 2014.) Should the student’s enrollment extend beyond the five-year window, a committee will review the student’s situation on a case by case basis to decide whether:
- course work that is five years old needs to be updated by re-enrollment, or
- course work that is five years old needs to be updated by enrolling in another parallel course, or
- the student will be notified in writing that they have one semester left to finish the program including student teaching.
For students admitted to the Teacher Education Program March 2004 and after: Students will not be allowed to register and take education courses from another institution once they have entered the University of Iowa Teacher Education Program. After students have been admitted to a program, all education courses (course requirements listed or cross-listed under department numbers: 01E, 07B, 07C, 07E, 07P, 07S, 07U, ARTE, EDTL, EPLS, PSQF, or RCE) must be taken at the University of Iowa.
Academic Standards and Conditions/Course Requirements, Progression, and Expiration
Certain courses must be completed by candidates in certain programs in the first semester in the program. Candidates will not be allowed to register and take education courses from another institution once they have entered the University of Iowa Teacher Education Program. After candidates have been admitted to a program, all education courses must be taken at the University of Iowa.
Following admission to the Teacher Education Program, candidates must complete the licensure components of their course work – including student teaching – within a five-year period. Should the candidate’s enrollment extend beyond the five-year window, a committee will review the candidate’s situation on a case-by-case basis to decide whether course work that is five years old needs to be updated by re-enrollment or by enrolling in another parallel course.
Teacher Leader Certificate
Students admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) in March 2011 and after are required to complete the requirements of the Teacher Leader Certificate to be eligible for program completion and recommendation for licensure. Requirements of the Teacher Leader Certificate supplement TEP course requirements with professional learning opportunities, including intensive workshops in key areas of assessment, technology, and diversity; other workshops; and a service component. Completion of these requirements does not lead to teaching licensure or endorsement. Requirements of the Teacher Leader Certificate must be completed prior to student teaching.
Course Fees
Course fees are assessed for many of the professional education courses. Course fees defray costs of professional services for College of Education students including technology support services provided by the Education Technology Center and the ETC Support Center. Additionally, certain fees fund Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation background checks for students in field experiences. Student teaching fees defray supervision and materials expenses specific to the student teaching experience.
Student Teaching
For all teacher education programs which include initial teacher licensure, students must complete all Teacher Education Program course work and degree course work prior to student teaching. Student teaching must be the final semester of their Teacher Education Program.
When they apply for student teaching, students must submit a completed plan of study outlining how all program and licensure requirements are being met. A program guide sheet showing course completion, including transfer courses, must be submitted with the advisor's signature. All other courses for teaching licensure or terminal degree must be completed before the student begins student teaching. Student teaching placements, even if made, are conditional on all course requirements being successfully completed. Students will not be able to apply for student teaching if they are on academic probation.
Students on TEP probation are not permitted to student teach.
Criminal Background Check
As part of standard admission and field experience placement procedure, the College of Education requires criminal record checks for students admitted to the Teacher Education Program. The practice of requiring record checks for all students enrolled in the Teacher Education Program developed in response to requirements in the professional practice environment to provide the results of such checks to third parties, schools and other educational agencies, prior to placement in a required field placement, that is, for internship, practicum or student teaching.
Criminal record checks are required only for admitted applicants. Students admitted to the Teacher Education Program are required -- within 2 weeks of the date of the admission letter and at the student's expense -- to initiate a national criminal record check with a third party. While in the Teacher Education Program, typically as a part of application for admission to the student teaching semester, students will be required to complete a supplemental (second) record check.
At the request of school or school district administrators, prior to placement in a required field placement, a student may be directed to provide results of record checks to the school or school district administrators who are making a determination whether the student will be accepted for field placement, internship, practicum or student teaching. The student may submit accompanying explanatory material.
Results of record checks do not affect a student's status in the Teacher Education Program. College of Education faculty and staff will review results of record checks to verify completion and for advisory purposes. Students are required to make results available and provide consent for the review.
Anyone convicted of a felony cannot be licensed to teach in the State of Iowa unless the conviction has been successfully appealed.
Appeals Process
Teacher Education Program applicants and candidates have the right to appeal Teacher Education Program policies or practices, by completing the Appeal Form.
Teacher Education Program applicants and candidates wishing to appeal a Teacher Education Program policy or practice will complete the following steps:
- Complete the applicant/candidate portion of the Appeal Form.
- Print and attach a recent grade report.
- Meet with the Program Area Coordinator for the respective program area to discuss the extenuating circumstances necessitating the appeal.
- Obtain the Program Area Coordinator's signature and submit the Appeal Form.
The completed Appeal Form needs to be submitted to the Office of Student Services, N201 Lindquist Center. Submission of the Appeal Form to the Office of Student Services initiates the scheduling of a subcommittee of the Teacher Education Committee to review the appeal.
All appeals for spring semester must be submitted to the Office of Student Services by the Monday of the final week of classes of the following fall semester. All appeals for fall semester to be considered prior to summer must be submitted to the Office of Student Services by the Monday of the final week of classes for the following spring semester. All appeals following summer term for fall semester must be submitted to the Office of Student Services by the Monday before the first day of fall semester.
Applicants/candidates may expect a decision on their appeal within two weeks of initiating the appeal. For additional questions, please contact the Office of Students Services, N201 Lindquist Center.

U.S. Department of Education grant addresses teacher shortage, diversifies workforce
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded the UI College of Education a $1.26 million grant for a program that will partner with Iowa school districts, community colleges, and community partners. The program will support 40 high quality elementary teachers through coursework and field experiences, resulting in a Bachelor of Arts, a teaching license, and a K12 ESL endorsement in Iowa.
EDU Audits
For some endorsements, EDU Audits are available in MyUI (and MAUI) to assist with advising for an educator licensure or endorsement program. EDU Audits are similar to the degree audits that are available for undergraduate majors and minors. Some rules and policies that govern education licensure and endorsement programs are different from rules and policies of other university programs.
More EDU Audit information
EDU Audits outline requirements of University of Iowa programs that have approval from the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners and State Board of Education as preparation for licenses and endorsements for a teaching, administration, or professional service role in K-12 education. These programs are represented in MAUI and MyUI by programs of study with the Objective "EDU" and the Declaration Type "Licensure Preparation" or "Endorsement Preparation."
These programs of study may require application procedures that are in addition to admission to the University of Iowa. Contact the College of Education Office of Student Services for application information: ask-education@uiowa.edu
EDU Audits check for the course requirements of the license and/or endorsement, but do not check for completion of other programs that may be co-requisites. Co-requisites of a program are listed as requirement 2). The notation on an EDU Audit of "ALL REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED --- IN-PROGRESS COURSES USED" or "ALL REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET" do not establish the completion of co-requisite programs, and do not establish the eligibility of the student for the license or endorsement.
Course transfer and substitution may require syllabi or other documentation in addition to transcript. For additional information or advising referral, please contact the College of Education Office of Student Services: ask-education@uiowa.edu
EDU programs of study are not associated with a University of Iowa award; they are not a degree, major, minor, or certificate, and they will not be listed in your degree application when you apply to graduate. Students in this program of study are encouraged to apply promptly on completion of the program, to the Board of Educational Examiners for the endorsement(s), and/or license for which the program is preparation. Application information for licensure and endorsements is available from the Office of Student Services.
These programs are approved under state educator preparation and licensure standards set by the Iowa State Board of Education and the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. These state standards are subject to change with limited notice. The University of Iowa (UI) is authorized to recommend completers of its state-approved programs who have applied to the Board of Educational Examiners for endorsement(s), and/or license, based on the standards that are in place at the time UI makes its recommendation. Program completers who delay application for the endorsement(s), and/or license, may become ineligible for them if state standards change.
EDU Audits are provided to assist with advising students on program requirements, and can be part of documenting students' completion of a state-approved program. UI does not represent, promise or guarantee that any student will be able to complete program requirements if state standards change. No representation, promise or guarantee, shall be implied or otherwise deemed to exist on the basis of UI’s conducting an EDU Audit, publishing program requirements, or admitting any student to this program of study. Given the possibility for change in state requirements, UI also makes no representation, promise or guarantee that completion of program requirements will warrant a recommendation for endorsement(s) and/or licensure at the time of application.
Eligibility for licenses and endorsements is subject to factors beyond the University of Iowa's control, including the Board of Educational Examiners requirement for a background check; and the requirement that licensed educators continue to abide by the Board of Educational Examiners Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
EDU Audits are not available for all education licensure and endorsement programs.
Updated 11/10/2021.