Four outstanding students are recipients of the 2022 Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships for Mathematics Education.
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship is awarded to exceptional science, technology, engineering, and mathematics students who plan on teaching STEM in high-need school districts after graduation.
The University of Iowa’s Noyce Scholarship provides $13,000 per academic year in support of students pursuing a degree in mathematics, science, technology, or engineering education. The scholarship is renewable for up to two years if the student maintains strong academic standing, and enrollment at the UI.
- In return for this support, the student makes a commitment to teach at a high-need school district for at least two years per year of scholarship support received. A “high-need” school district is classified as a district where high percentage of students come from families below the poverty line
- A high percentage of secondary school educators are not teaching in the subject they were educated in or
- The teacher turnover rate is high
Four students preparing to be secondary mathematics teachers are the 2022 Noyce Scholarship recipients:
Allisyn Coghlan

Coghlan is from Roland, Iowa. She is majoring in mathematics and mathematics education on the undergraduate to graduate path, pursuing a combined BA and MAT in Spring 2024. She also is completing requirements for athletic coaching and Talented and Gifted (TAG) teacher. She has always had a passion for education and teaching, which has set her on this path.
“I am excited to be a mathematics teacher because math is interesting and fun,” Coghlan says. “I also believe teaching will not feel like work but is my dream job to help others.”
Coghlan credits the College of Education with making her goal of becoming a teacher a reality. “The practicum experience, course work, and additional teaching/learning opportunities have made me realize I chose the right major,” Coghlan says. “I feel equipped with the knowledge to guide all my students to success in the classroom and in their futures.”
Kathleen Hearn
Hearn was born and raised in Letts, Iowa. She is a senior, majoring in mathematics and mathematics education and also seeking an ESL endorsement to teach English as a Second Language. She says she felt compelled to pursue a career in education because of a peer tutoring program she participated in during high school. Hearn is looking forward to teaching in a rural high school and starting the Master of Science in STEM education program the following summer.
“I always liked math, and I felt like there’s such a great need for quality math teachers, especially in rural schools,” Hearn says.
Hearn says she is grateful for receiving the award, and she looks forward to the opportunity it provides.
“It’s such an honor to receive this award. I come from a rural high school in a low socioeconomic status community, and I work very hard every single day to represent my community well,” Hearn says. “I am very excited to do my part in beating the odds.”
Brooke Hitchcock
Hitchcock is a senior from Taylor Ridge, Illinois, majoring in mathematics and mathematics education. She has had many teachers, good and bad, over the years who have inspired her to become a teacher that can help push discouraged students forward, and help inspire positive mindsets in the classroom.
“I have encountered some of the most amazing teachers that have pushed me to do my absolute best,” Hitchcock says. “I admired these teachers, and I hope to be able to inspire my future students as they did for me.”
Hitchcock is grateful not only for the scholarship, but for her professors, advisors, and family who have helped her to reach this point.
“When I read about this scholarship, I believed it was too good to be true, but it is not,” Hitchcock says. “I am extremely grateful to be chosen for this award, and I will do my best to fulfill the responsibilities of a great educator in the state of Iowa.”
Jay Huff
Huff is a senior from Greenfield, Iowa, double majoring in mathematics and mathematics education. Huff has long considered a path in education but did not have that decision cemented until their sophomore year at the University of Iowa. “I've always loved helping others learn, and every experience I've had has reinforced my desire to teach,” Huff says.
Huff is grateful for the award, which allows them to prioritize finishing their education versus spending their free time working to make ends meet.
“Receiving this award has made my college experience less stressful,” Huff says. “Additionally, the guidance I have received has made me feel more confident in my ability to be a good teacher in the future.”
Applications for 2023 are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the Noyce Scholarship page for more information.