Monday, October 9, 2023

Rankings and Points of Pride

10:1 student to faculty ratio

U.S. News & World Report

# 1 College of Education in Iowa
# 3 Rehabilitation Counseling
#12 Student Counseling
#19 Higher Education Administration
#37 Best Online MA in Education

Student Success

$1.6 million in scholarships for academic excellence and financial need

Placement Rates

100 percent for undergraduates, master’s, and doctoral graduates
* 2021-22, the most recent time frame for which data is available.

Fall 2022 Enrollments

889 undergraduate students
619 graduate students
70 UI REACH students

Research + Outreach

133 books and peer-reviewed publications
$27.3 Million awarded in new research grants and contracts

Belin-Blank Center

352 educator programs participants
1,677 student programs participants
498 students took 799 courses through the Iowa Online AP Academy
6,218 participants were involved in outreach including clinic assessments and therapy

Scanlan Center for School Mental Health

270 public schools reached (82% of all public schools in Iowa)
5,000+ educators engaged in Professional Development
70+ K-12 schools have accessed clinical services
More than $1.5 million distributed to research teams across Iowa institutions to conduct research on school mental health topics


UI WILD (Wildlife Instruction and Leadership Development) brought a variety of unique, experiential learning opportunities to our students this past year through three different programs. This included teaching upper elementary and middle school students across Iowa with School of the Wild, taking science education to the next level with the Iowa Raptor Project, and working hands-on with youth at Iowa Wildlife Camps.

700,000+ Iowans reached through Iowa Raptor Project ambassadors 
1,500+ pre-K through high school Iowa Wildlife Camps participants 
6,000+ School of the Wild participants from 36 Iowa counties

Iowa Testing Programs

346,042 Iowa students in grades 3-11 took the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) in 2023 
A total of 1,152,331 tests in language/writing, reading, mathematics and science were administered between March and May 2023 
A total of 669,653 ISASP practice tests were completed in the spring of 2023
32,218 educators completed the test security training prior to the ISASP administration
282 educators contributed to the development and review of new testing materials

Iowa Reading Research Center

4,804 educators completed an eLearning module
3,733 educators, teacher prep students, and families earned dyslexia training certification

Alumni Network & Philanthropic Impact

28,000+ Alumni
Teaching, leading, counseling in all 50 states and the District of Columbia
All 99 Iowa counties and 82 countries
968 alumni and friends came together to commit $7.6 million

See more from the 2022-23 Annual Report.