Pre-Service Professional Development Opportunities
Discover everything you need to kickstart your journey as a future educator, including the BTLC professional development certificate, upcoming workshops, and essential resources to support your growth.

In-Service Professional Development Opportunities
Explore BTLC’s professional learning opportunities, earn licensure renewal credits, and find ways to share your expertise with fellow educators.

Educator Wellness Podcasts
Listen to inspiring episodes focused on educator wellness, with insights to support your well-being—and earn licensure renewal credit for completing a season!

A tribute to Linda Baker
Upcoming BTLC Events
Mission and Vision
The Baker Teacher Leader Center (BTLC) strives to offer evidence-based and innovative professional development and career advancement experiences, for both pre – and in-service educators, helping to advance our profession in ways that will affect positive change in our communities across the nation. We aspire to collaborate with content area experts and leaders to solve issues related to the field of education.
BTLC Room Reservations
To help us provide appropriate facilities support, door access, technology assistance, and event planning services, BTLC room reservation requests by UI faculty/staff/students must be submitted at:
For non-university/external individuals or entities, reservation requests must be submitted at:
For BTLC space inquiries, contact Lisa Bunn at lisa-bunn@uiowa.edu
Meet Our Staff
Kari Vogelgesang
N120 Lindquist Center
Mariana Ruggiero Colombo
Associate Director, Professional Development and Online Programming
N110 Lindquist Center
Lisa Bunn
Administrative Services Specialist
N110 Lindquist Center