College of Education Office of Strategic Communications staff are ready to help connect media with University of Iowa College of Education expert sources, provide information about our initiatives, history, and people, and share our college’s story. 

Media Inquiries

Please contact:

Lois J. Gray

Director of Strategic Communications
319-335-5347 (office)
319-430-3740 (cell)


2016 MLK Research Symposium showcases diversity-related research

Monday, March 7, 2016
The College of Education Diversity Committee hosted its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Research Symposium on Friday, February 19, 2016. The annual symposium includes a showcase of graduate and undergraduate research projects related to diversity.

Student Spotlight: Emily Guenther

Monday, March 7, 2016
Emily Guenther enrolled as a Master’s student in Schools, Culture, and Society because of her interest in studying education in context, noting that the SCS program has been very useful in putting her work in context of historical trends and conflicts.

School of the Arts: Secondary School Arts Workshops

Saturday, December 26, 2015
This partnership with UAY is part of the Art Education Secondary Methods course. TEP Art Education students teach a 10-week workshop for students in grades 8-12. The workshop ends with a public art exhibit.

Distinguished Speaker Series: Margaret Buckton and Larry Sigel

Monday, December 14, 2015
As part of the College of Education’s Distinguished Speakers Series, Margaret Buckton and Larry Sigel presented “Iowa Demographics and Education Funding, Then and Now” on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. 

Distinguished Speaker Series: Michael W. Apple

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
On February 17, 2015,  Michael W. Apple presented "Are Dominant Educational Reforms Really Democratic?" as a part of the University of Iowa College of Education’s Distinguished Speaker Series.

Obermann Fellow: Carla Gonzalez

Monday, December 1, 2014
Carla, a second-year SCS doctoral student, was awarded a 2015 Obermann Fellowship. For Carla, the fellowship is especially meaningful because as a Latina and first-generation college student, it will enhance her leadership skills to work in communities of need.

Student Spotlight: DeeAnn Grove

Monday, December 1, 2014
by Schools, Culture, and Society In her editorial, “School District Needs a Social Justice Educator,” published in the Iowa City Press-Citizen, SCS doctoral candidate DeeAnn Grove addressed the need for a social justice educator to be hired as the new equity director in the Iowa City Community School District. “Social justice educators,” Grove said, “seek to address the ways power and privilege...

Christine Grant to discuss 'The Politics of Sport' in College of Education

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
The College of Education welcomed women's sports pioneer and Title IX advocate Christine Grant (Ph.D. '74) on November 11, 2014, as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series.

Future school counselors visit Iowa State Capitol

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Eleven University of Iowa College of Education students gained a new perspective on how education policy decisions are made at the top levels during a recent visit to the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines. The trip was hosted by the Iowa Association for College Admission Counseling and the Iowa School Counselors Association. This is the sixth year the groups have offered the opportunity to UI...

Advocating for early literacy

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
by Heather Spangler All 104 preschoolers affiliated with the Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County were able to take home a book along with information for their parents about the importance of reading thanks to a community outreach project led by the University of Iowa College of Education’s chapter of the Student Iowa School Counselor Association (SISCA). SISCA is a student organization that...

Leading with Creativity and Compassion

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Passion, results, integrity, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit. Those are the tenants of RuffaloCODY a multi-million dollar, multi-national company led by Al Ruffalo (MA ‘75).

Vincent Leads Iowa's Largest AEA

Sunday, June 8, 2014
“My experience at the University of Iowa College of Education was the perfect combination of practical exposure in the field, but also technical education,” says Vincent. “I will be forever appreciative of the professors that worked with me.”

Literacy Program Puts Research and Theory into Practice

Monday, May 26, 2014
Joshua Levai-Baird, a senior Elementary Education major, is one of several College of Education students who have participated in the Adult and Family Literacy Program in West Liberty.

Watt Recognized with College’s Top Honor

Friday, May 23, 2014
Sherry Watt, an associate professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs, is this year’s recipient of the College of Education Collegiate Teaching Award. The award is the college’s highest honor recognizing excellence in teaching.

Gillig Receives Prestigious Hancher-Finkbine Medallion

Friday, May 23, 2014
The University of Iowa selected Benjamin Gillig, a doctoral student in the College of Education’s Higher Education and Student Affairs program, recipient of its highest honor for students. Gillig, from San Francisco, won the Hancher-Finkbine award for his campus leadership, learning, and loyalty.

Young artists, aspiring art teachers enjoy community outreach project

Saturday, April 26, 2014
The University of Iowa College of Education's Art Education faculty and students have teaching and inspiring young artists through Saturday Art Workshops for more than three decades.

Watt recognized for contributions to higher education

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sherry Watt has been recognized by a prominent national organization for her "outstanding and sustained contributions to higher education and to student affairs."

Pursuing a Scholarly Life

Monday, October 7, 2013
Twenty-five diverse future doctoral students from around the nation spent the summer in Iowa City learning how to pursue their academic dreams. The students, each from an underrepresented group in graduate education, are participants in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation’s Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP). The program pairs aspiring graduate students who are currently enrolled...

Ben Gillig: UI student leaders travel state to meet with legislators

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Ben Gillig (HESA PhD) and other University of Iowa student leaders met last week with 11 Iowa state legislators in their home districts and at the State Capitol to discuss affordability and job opportunities for Iowa students.

Bills returns to Fulbright site to continue collaboration

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
David Bills, associate dean of academic affairs and graduate programs in the University of Iowa College of Education, was a Fulbright scholar in Berlin in 2003. Ten years later, the institution he researched with then invited him back to continue his work.