Every spring, the UI REACH team is proud to support the post-graduation plans and life goals of graduating students. Keeping in touch with alumni is one way the UI REACH community continues to strengthen and grow. Below are some recent updates from alumni and their family.
I just wanted to give you an update on Sam. He is happily settled into his first apartment! He is able to do this on his own, and we are so super proud of him. He’s still working with our financial advisor and planning to maybe someday own a townhome of his own and also continue to invest in his future, but for now, he is getting his feet wet with the apartment and loving it! The apartment is a block off campus, just a short walk to the dining hall or even shorter shuttle ride and showcases many mementos from Iowa… once a Hawkeye always a Hawkeye ;)
He is using all of the skills he learned at REACH in this new phase of life; he would not have the confidence and skills to accomplish living on his own without the program, and we are so grateful for his time there. Thank you for your continued support of Sam; we appreciate it. Please share this update with any staff members who worked with Sam; I think it is important that they all know how much you all do for student matters well after they leave Iowa City… REACH lasts forever.
Best, Sue
Sue Rame, mother of UI REACH graduate Sam Rame
Alumni employment updates

Christopher Casas: “For about three years, October of 2021 to currently, I have been working on ships with the SIU or Seafarers’ International Union. My first job was working in the galley as a cook’s assistant on the Rocketship where I made fresh produce to serve for the crew, cleaned the kitchen and crew mess, and assisted the cook in cooking/baking goods. The Rocketship is a vehicle transport vessel that delivers Rocketship parts for NASA and SpaceX from Alabama to Florida. I worked there for over a year until I was laid off in March of 2022 when the ship had to go into a port to be repaired.”
John D’Angelo: John got a full-time job in Florida as a press process tech at Valpak with benefits. He works 7-3 p.m., and it’s within one of his career interests!
Want to share any exciting updates about your life after graduating from UI REACH? Email UI REACH Alumni Support Specialist Brian Campbell at brian-d-campbell@uiowa.edu.