Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

PhD Thesis Defense: Alfonso Martinez
Friday, September 6, 2024; 10:00 AM; Zoom
Title: Topics in Bayesian Generalized Latent Variable Modeling
Committee Chair: Jonathan Templin

PhD Thesis Defense: Maria Slusarek
Monday, October 28, 2024; 11:00 AM; N111 Lindquist Center
Title: World Language Teacher Beliefs about Asynchronous Courses at Two-Year Colleges
Committee Chairs: Pamela Wesely; Maria Belen Hernando Llorens

PhD Thesis Defense: Kalen Zeiger
Monday, November 11, 2024; 9:00 AM; Zoom
Title: Trans Inclusive and Trans Competent Clinical Practices: Improving Clinical Intakes and Settings
Committee Chair: Jacob Priest

PhD Thesis Defense: Janet Sales de Oliveira Francisco
Tuesday, November 12, 2024; 1:00 PM; Zoom
Title: Adult Multilingual Refugees: Stories of higher education achievements.
Committee Chair: Erika Johnson

PhD Thesis Defense: Tasha Lindo
Thursday, November 14, 2024; 1:30 PM; Zoom
Title: Engaging in critical conversations with secondary school Asian American and Pacific Islander girls in an AAPI young adult book club
Committee Co-Chairs: Amanda Thein; Saba Vlach

PhD Thesis Defense: Tania Lefevre
Wednesday, November 20, 2024; 10:00 AM; Zoom
Title: Exploring the Experiences of Puerto Rican Teachers Resisting the Pull of Migration
Committee Chair: Liz Hollingworth

PhD Thesis Defense: Catie Mintz
Tuesday, February 4, 2025; 9:00 AM; Zoom
Title: Item Parameterization and Ability Estimation: Considerations for Bayesian Multidimensional Adaptive Testing
Committee Chair: Jonathan Templin

PhD Thesis Defense: Annette Vernon
Monday, February 24, 2025; 1:00 PM; S340B LC
Title: Text-to-Speech Technology as a Designated Support on Statewide Reading Assessment: Impact on Item Performance and Item Functioning
Committee Chair: Catherine Welch

PhD Thesis Defense: Faiaz Rahman
Monday, March 3, 2025; 10:30 AM; N111 LC
Title: How Collaboration Shapes Computational Thinking: Evidence from Iterative Block-Based Programming in Higher Education
Committee Chair: Kathy Schuh

PhD Thesis Defense: Daniela Cardoza
Wednesday, April 2, 2025; 12:00 PM; Zoom
Title: Undergraduate Student Experience in the Research University Survey: Investigating Measurement Invariance Across Institutions and Majors
Committee Chairs: Jonathan Templin

MA Thesis Defense: Lingguo Meng
Friday; April 18, 2025; 10:00 AM; Zoom
Title: Moderated Non-Linear Factor Analysis Model: A Comparison of Bayesian and Frequency Methods
Committee Chair/Co-Chair: Jonathan Templin/Lesa Hoffman

PhD Thesis Defense: Carrie Wilbert
Thursday, May 8, 2025; 12:00 PM; N340 LC
Title: Video Relay interpreters and their experience with occupational stress, mental health counseling, and wellness. A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY
Committee Chair-Co-Chair: Susannah Wood, Ebonee Johnson