The cooperating or mentor teacher has a tremendous influence on the field experience student placed in their classroom. This influence includes curriculum and instructional strategies, classroom management strategies, classroom atmosphere, and perhaps most important the professional dispositions that will guide the future teacher's decision-making. Hopefully, the relationship between the cooperating teacher and field experience student will be a mutually rewarding experience.

I'm Interested!

Tell me more about becoming a Cooperating Teacher.

Mentoring & Evaluation Resources

The resources provided on this page are designed to support the cooperating teacher and to provide easy access to supervisory materials. Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Student Field Experiences for additional information or to offer suggestions or requests for additional resources that might be included on this page. 


Mentoring Support

Letters of Recommendation

Student Teaching

Contact Us

Elementary (student teaching/practicum) inquires: 
Julie Heidger, Director, Student Teaching and Field Experiences

Secondary (student teaching/practicum) inquires: 
Bellinda Assemien, Coordinator, Student Teaching and Field Experiences