Erin Lane, a clinical assistant professor of School Counseling at UI’s College of Education, was recently named the 2024 School Counselor Advocate of the Year by the Iowa School Counselor Association (ISCA).

The Daily Iowan (DI) recently interviewed Lane to discuss this accolade, her work with UI school counseling graduate students, and her advocacy for school counseling services in Iowa and around the country.
The following excerpt is from the DI article:
“When Caroline Canby was asked who she thinks is the most supportive, influential, and patient figure, there was no hesitation before saying Erin Lane. Canby, a second-year student in the master’s program for school counseling at the University of Iowa, expressed her gratitude for Lane’s work, which earned her the Iowa School Counselor Advocate of the Year award.
Lane, a clinical assistant professor of school counseling at the UI, joined the UI College of Education Department of Counselor Education in 2022 and worked previously as a K-12 counselor for over two decades. She received the award from the Iowa School Counselor Association, for which she was a board member for four years, in early November.
‘As a profession, we don’t do a good job of singing our own praises,’ Lane said. ‘We just kind of do the grunt work every single day and focus in on our students, which is wonderful. Now as a faculty member, I get to sing the praises of the school counselors I’ve worked with professionally and that I now train.’”