
#1 College of Education in Iowa
#3 in the nation
Rehabilitation Counseling
#11 in the nation
Student Counseling
#22 in the nation
Higher Education Administration
#23 in the nation
Best Online MA in Education
U.S. News and World Report
Student Success
10:1 student to faculty ratio
$1+ million
in scholarships for academic excellence
and financial need
Fall 2023 Enrollments
919 undergraduate students
575 graduate students
76 UI REACH students
Alumni Network
29,870 alumni teaching, leading, counseling in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, all 99 Iowa counties, and 84 countries.
Together Iowa Comprehensive Campaign impact
Goal for Education: $80M
Progress to Goal: $49,199,969 (61.5%) As of 7/18/2024
- Total number of donors: 1,770
- 2,142 distinct gifts to College of Education designations between $1 and $50. Every Gift Counts!
Research + Outreach
- 104 books and journal articles
- $11.1 million awarded in new research grants and contracts
Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development
- 401 professional learning participants earned 489 credit hours
- 1,803 student programs participants
- 573 students took 855 AP® courses through the Iowa Online AP® Academy
- 5,599 participants involved in Belin-Blank Center Outreach
- Psychological services completed 94 assessments and 222 therapy and consult sessions
Iowa Reading Research Center
- 17,395 educators completed an IRRC eLearning module this past year
- 16,194 educators completed the Dyslexia Overview this past year
- More than 700 educators participated in the 2024 Iowa Science of Reading Summit
- 90 administrators registered for the Leading Literacy Change Academy for District Decision-Makers
- 70 visits made to school districts for professional development and consultation
- 45 pre-service teachers enrolled in the dyslexia track of the BTLC Teacher Leader Certificate
- 20 blog posts written by IRRC staff on literacy topics for caregivers and educators
- 9 students enrolled in the 3rd Dyslexia Specialist Endorsement cohort
- 6 students completed the endorsement December 2023
- 27 professionals have received the IRRC-coordinated endorsement to date
Iowa Testing Programs
- 350,600 (up from 346,042 the prior year) Iowa students in grades 3-11 took the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) in 2024
- A total of 1,167,739 tests in language/writing, reading, mathematics and science were administered between March and May 2024 (ISASP)
- A total of 724,302 ISASP practice tests were completed in the spring of 2024
- 35,126 educators completed the test security training prior to the ISASP administration
- 250 educators contributed to the development and review of new testing materials, and to the scoring of student responses
Scanlan Center for School Mental Health
- 270 schools reached
- 8,500+ educators engaged in professional development
- 70+ K-12 schools have received clinical services support
- Reached 82% of Iowa PreK-12 school districts
- All 99 counties reached through professional development, clinical services, and research
- 482 therapy sessions (individual and group)
- 4,500+ university/college faculty and staff participated in campus mental health workshops through the Higher Ed arm
UI WILD (Wildlife Instruction and Leadership Development)
- 700,000+ Iowans reached through Iowa Raptor Project ambassadors
- 1,400+ pre-K through high school Iowa Wildlife Camps participants
6000+ School of the Wild students from 81 schools and 33 Iowa counties