By: Claire Quigle
Hey Hawkeyes! It’s “where do you work?” Wednesday! This week, we want you to meet alumna Aralia Ramirez (MA ‘19 Higher Education and Student Affairs.)
Ramirez was born and raised in Chico, California, and now works as the Program Coordinator for the first-year experience program at California State University. Before this position, she was employed at Duke University where she worked for the student leadership office.
In her current role, Ramirez says she loves being a part of a program that supports the successful transition and retention of first-year students at CSU, Chico. The first-year experience program supports the design of research-based curricular experiences that emphasize social connection, identity exploration, academic and civic efficacy.
“In my role, I have the privilege of working with brilliant and talented student employees who are embedded in first-year courses to serve as peer mentors,” Ramirez says. “I also enjoy working with students and faculty to host our Chico Great Debate and Town Hall events where students share their semester research on policy topics and advocacy while engaging with members of the Chico community.”
Ramirez is grateful for all that she learned while attending the University of Iowa College of Education. She says she chose to enter the field of Higher Education and Student Affairs to learn more about creating equitable access and support for students attending college.
She says that the Higher Education and Student Affairs program at the university is intentional about giving its students the opportunity and support to apply what is being learned in the classroom in real-life situations. She got to learn many theories and skills to use in her assistantship and practicum experiences.
“I have also appreciated the support from my faculty and mentors from Iowa post-graduation,” Ramirez says. “Even though I graduated in 2019, they continue to support and guide me as a new professional.”
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