By: Claire Quigle
Hello and happy “Where Do You Work” Wednesday! This week we are spotlighting alumna Kari Vogelgesang (BA ‘01 Elementary Education, MA ‘09 Library and Information Science, Ph.D. ‘15 Special Education).
Vogelgesang works as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Elementary Education Program at the University of Iowa. She is also the Director of Professional Development in the Baker Teacher Leader Center and serves as the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) Coordinator for the Elementary and Special Education Programs at UI. Before this, Vogelgesang worked as an Elementary school teacher.
In her current position, Vogelgesang likes that she gets to work with a community of people to advance the field of education.
Vogelgesang has gotten to see how the University of Iowa College of Education not only helps students develop into teachers but helps faculty continue to develop professionally as well.
“As a student, my faculty gifted me their wisdom and knowledge and presented challenges that grew my curiosity and motivation to continue learning and experimenting within my profession,” Vogelgesang says. “As a faculty member, I continue to be inspired by my colleagues, administration, and our brilliant students.”
Vogelgesang says the people she has met and had the opportunity to work with has been the most important part of her professional journey.
“I couldn’t feel more connected to and thankful for my UI College of Education community,” Vogelgesang says.
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