By: Claire Quigle
We hope you are having a great “Where Do You Work?” Wednesday, Hawkeyes! This week meet alumnus Edward Moller (B.A. ’98 Art Education with a minor in studio art).
Moller is originally from Altoona, Iowa, but has been teaching in the Southeast San Diego area for 21 years. He currently teaches drawing and painting as well as advanced placement drawing at Lincoln High School in San Diego. Moller is the department head of the visual and performing arts at Lincoln.
Moller credits some of his success to the help he received as a student at the University of Iowa College of Education and has fond memories of his time here.
“After graduating from the University of Iowa I completed my student teaching in New Zealand,” says Moller. “The experience at Iowa prepared me to take chances and gave me the confidence to know that I can go anywhere in the world and be successful.”
Moller enjoys teaching art because it provides him the opportunity to connect with his students in a different way than other teachers.
“Letting young people know that they have a voice in their artwork and that voice is important to the rest of the world,” says Moller. “Many times my art room is a safe place for students to meet during lunch, before and after school, and throughout the school day. I try to promote a chill, relaxed environment where students feel encouraged to express themselves without censoring their art-making.”
Although Moller is now living across the country, he still takes every chance he gets to show off his Iowa spirit.
“I love to show my Hawkeye pride on Thursdays when our staff wears our gear from our alma mater,” says Moller. “I love being an Iowan in California and every time I wear my Hawkeye hoodie out and about someone always says, ‘Go Hawks’”.
Want to be the next “Where Do You Work Wednesday” or nominate someone? Message us on Facebook, tag us with #HawkeyeTeachers, or email us at