By: Claire Quigle
Hello Hawkeyes! Happy “Where Do You Work” Wednesday! Meet Alumni Kaleb Farnham (B.A. ‘19 History and Secondary Social Studies Education).
Farnham is originally from Des Moines, Iowa, but will now be working as an AP Human Geography and freshman World History teacher at Paradise Honors High School in Surprise, Arizona.
As a first-year teacher, Farnham is excited to foster relationships with students amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I love the ability to connect with the students, to let them know that an adult truly cares for their wellbeing and wants them to succeed and is willing to be there to make sure they do,” says Farnham. “Being able to help young minds grow is such a privilege.”
Despite the fact Farnham’s district has decided to teach online for the first nine weeks of school, he feels confident in his ability to teach students. Farnham’s district uses Google Meet and Google Classroom, so he feels grateful he had the opportunity to receive a Google Educator Certification through the College of Education.
Farnham accredits much of his success to the professors he had while at the University of Iowa College of Education.
“The college helped me get to where I am because I had such great mentors throughout my time in the program,” says Farnham. “From the great Nancy Langguth, who helped me develop my relationship-building skills, and was always there when I needed someone, to Greg Hamot, who was instrumental in my development as a social studies teacher, and so many more.”
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