By Elianna Novitch
Seven new students were recipients of the prestigious Robert Noyce Teacher scholarship for the 2019-20 academic year.
Seven new students have joined the growing number of Noyce scholars in the University of Iowa College of Education.
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship is awarded to exceptional science, technology, and engineering students who plan on teaching in a high-needs school district after graduation. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Noyce program at the University of Iowa provides $12,000 scholarship support per academic year.
The scholarship is renewable for up to three years if the scholar is enrolled in and maintains good academic standing at the UI. In return for the scholarship support, Noyce scholarship recipients make the commitment that after completing their degree program at the UI, they will teach in a high-needs school district for two years per year of scholarship support received.
A high-need school district is one in which one or more of the following conditions is met: 1) a high percentage of individuals from families with incomes below the poverty line; 2) a high percentage of secondary school teachers not teaching in the content area in which the teachers were trained to teach; or 3) a high teacher turnover rate.
The UI College of Education received its first Noyce Scholarship grant in 2016 to increase the number of science teachers in high needs school districts and recently received another Noyce Scholarship grant in 2019 to increase the number of secondary school mathematics teachers in Iowa from underrepresented communities teaching in high-needs school districts.
The UI College of Education welcomes the 2019 Noyce Scholar cohort which includes:
- Molly Droeszler
- Cascade, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Biology through the MAT/4+1 Science Education program
- Michael Kistler
- Muscatine, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Physics through the MAT/4+1 Science Education program with hopes to be endorsed in teaching Physics and Earth Science
- Rebecca Owens
- Spirit Lake, Iowa
- Academic programs: Has a B.A. in Biology and is working on a master's in Teaching for Secondary Science with a primary endorsement in Biology and secondary endorsement in Physics through the 4+1 program
Danica Porter
- Long Grove, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Biology with hopes to graduate with a master’s degree in All-Science Education
- Andrea Warhurst
- Eldridge, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursing a B.A. in Chemistry and Science Education with a minor in Theatre Arts
- Eva Sileo
- Iowa City, IA
- Academic programs: Has a B.A. Biology with a minor in Anthropology and is enrolled in the MAT/4+1 Science Education program
- Kaia Johanningmeier
- Waukon, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Geoscience with plans to be All-Science endorsed through the 4+1 program
Other Noyce scholars in the college include:
- Casey Oztel
- Pekin, Illinois
- Academic programs: Has a B.A. in Chemistry and will soon have Chemistry and Physics endorsements
- Austin Heinzerling
- Ankeny, Iowa
- Academic programs: Has a B.S.E in Mechanical Engineering and is in the M.A.T Science Education program pursuing endorsements in Secondary Physics and Mathematics.
- Robert Van Orden
- Iowa City, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursing a B.A. in Biology with an emphasis in the All-Science education program and a focus in Secondary Education through the MAT/4+1 Science Education program
- Jessica Gribble
- Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- Academic programs: Has a B.S. in Marine Biology and is in the M.A.T. Science Education program and pursuing endorsements in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth & Environmental Science, Mathematics
- Emily Kriegl
- St. Paul, Minnesota
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Environmental Sciences, Science Education, and Spanish with a focus on Secondary Science Education in Earth Science education and a secondary emphasis in Biology. Kriegl is also earning a certificate in ELL education with an ELL endorsement.
- Richard Magnuson
- Iowa City, Iowa
- Academic programs: Has a B.S. in Biology ('18) and is in the M.A.T Science Education program
- Paul Frederick
- Norwalk, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Biology in the M.A.T. Science Education program with an All-Science grades 5-12 endorsement
- Lindsey Reicks
- Solon, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Biology with an endorsement in Chemistry
- Sarah Dawson,
- Riverside, Iowa
- Academic programs: Has a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Studio Arts from the University of Iowa (’13) and is pursuing a master’s in Secondary Science Education with endorsements in All Sciences
- Kaitlin Hatcher
- Solon, Iowa
- Academic programs: Pursuing a B.A. in Biology in the M.A.T Science Education program with endorsements in Biology and Chemistry
The next application period will begin in Spring 2020.