By Brooke Larsen Photo by Mei-Ling Shaw Williams
Deborah Harris recently joined the University of Iowa College of Education as a visiting professor in Educational Measurement and Statistics.
Harris earned her doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and soon after began her postdoctoral research at the University of Iowa. She is interested in the area of comparable scores, and how we ensure the scores that are reported for assessments indicate the same level of achievement across different sets of items, different administration conditions, and different types of tests.
Harris says she enjoys interacting with faculty, staff, and students as well as the opportunity to continue her research. She is also looking forward to working with colleagues from ACT, The College Board, and Pearson at the Lindquist Legacy Colloquiums. She is especially excited to be teaching “Score Comparability in Large-Scale Assessment” this fall.
"I would like to increase students’ knowledge in areas of educational measurement as well as working with individual students on their research interests and on career skills, such as the job application process,” Harris says.