Salary for tenure-track, clinical-track, and instructional-track faculty on academic year appointments teaching summer courses is set at 1/9 of their base academic year salary for a standard 3-s.h. course. Salary is calculated without the inclusion of administrative or other stipends on top of base salary.
Salary for courses with fewer than 15 students will be pro-rated based on 1/15 of the per-course rate per student, or an otherwise adjusted rate depending on the necessity of offering the course.
Instructors will receive additional salary of $100 per student, with maximum incentive of $1,000 for course with more than 30 students.
Appointment forms will be processed based on current course enrollments; adjustments will be made after census counts.
DEOs will monitor courses with low enrollments and have the discretion to cancel courses as necessary.
Previous salary agreements between DEOs and faculty that are below these rates may continue (e.g., if two courses with low enrollments were considered one course, the rate for one course in the table above may be paid)
Programs outside of department budgets with previously established summer salary policies may continue to pay established rates.
Adjuncts and lecturers may continue to be paid at rates established by departments.
2023 Compensation Instructions for Summer Session Courses
Last updated: 05/08/23