College of Education Policies
Promotion review of adjunct faculty members will be considered in the same cycle as for regular faculty, with the same deadline for submission of the Dean's recommendation to the Provost.
The dossier should include:
- A current CV
- Copies of any teaching evaluations and information about teaching quantity since appointment or the last promotion
- A brief (1-2 page) personal statement of his/her teaching responsibilities and/or scholarship
- Three letters of review. These may include letters from UI faculty members.
The process should include:
- Review of the dossier and a vote by the Department Consulting Group; a written report is not required.
- Recommendation by the DEO
- Review and vote of the Collegiate Consulting Group; a written report is not required.
- Recommendation by the Dean to the Provost
The candidate should be informed of the recommendations at the conclusion of both the departmental and collegiate reviews, and given the opportunity to respond to errors of fact in either the DEO or Dean's letters.
(September 2006)