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Belén Hernando-Lloréns, PhD

Assistant Professor


Belén Hernando-Lloréns’ scholarship, situated at the intersection of critical language and race studies, teacher education, and curriculum studies, addresses ongoing histories of educational exclusion regarding multilingual minoritized children in the U.S. and internationally. Specifically, it examines the production of linguistic and racial diversity as an educational “problem” that elicits different social and pedagogical “solutions” in different historical moments. Her research brings postcolonial, postfoundational, and historical lenses to questions of multilingual education situated not only in the classroom, but in policy, educational sciences, and popular culture.

Belén enjoys working with interdisciplinary graduate students interested in questions of power, racialization, and coloniality across areas, including World Language, Bilin/Pluri/Multigual, elementary, secondary, out of school learning spaces, multicultural, translation, immigrant, and teacher education.

She is currently admitting doctoral students; feel free to reach out via the email above to discuss your research interests.

Dr. Hernando-Lloréns’ current research project takes an historiographical approach to examine how the bilingual child of color emerged as a subject/object of scientific scrutiny and as a subject of educational intervention in the first decades of the 20th century in the U.S. Belén has received the AERA’s Early Career Award (Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies SIG), Outstanding Dissertation Award (Div. B), and Exemplary Work from Promising Scholars Award (Div. D). Her scholarship appears in Harvard Educational Review, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Globalisation, Societies, and Education, or Curriculum Inquiry.

As a certified K-12 public school Spanish and ESL teacher, she taught Spanish and Heritage Spanish at the Middle and High School level in Kansas and has been a teacher educator for more than 10 years.

Current Positions

  • Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education

College of Education Affiliations


  • PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin—Madison

Licenses & Certifications

  • State of Kansas Professional Teaching License, K-12th grades, Spanish & ESL
  • Ministry of Education of Spain Teaching Certification, 7th-12th grades, Spanish Language Arts and Literature, University Complutense in Madrid (Spain)

Selected Awards & Honors

  • Early Career Award, American Education Research Association, Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies SIG. 2023
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Education Research Association (AERA), Division B, 2021
  • Academic Achievement Award, University of WisconsinMadison, International Students Office, 2019
  • Exemplary Work from Promising Scholars Award, American Education Research Association (AERA), Division D, 2016

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations

  • Hernando-Lloréns, B. & Randolph Jr., L.J. From stories of pain to stories of healing of an Afro-Latina Spanish teacher. Panel. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Chicago, IL, United States. 2023 (accepted)  
  • Hernando-Lloréns, B. & Cervantes-Soon. Governmentality and Bilingual Teacher Preparation: A Framework for Research and Practice, SIG-Bilingual Education Research. San Diego, CA, United States.
  • Hernando-Lloréns, B. Envisioning agency beyond resistance: Responsible citizenship, participation, and technologies of the self. American Educational Research Association Conference, Division B. San Diego, CA, United States. 
  • Hernando-Lloréns, B. Saving Democracy by Saving the Muslim Girl: Norms of Convivencia as Technologies of Exclusion, Division B. San Diego, CA, United States.
  • Hernando-Lloréns, B. Colonial Legacies in Education: Historicizing the Bilingual Child of Color as an Educational Problem. American Educational Research Association Conference, Division B. Virtual. Panelist.
  • Hernando-Lloréns, B. Meditations on Experience: The politics and ethics of “not knowing” in educational research. American Educational Research Association Conference, Division B. Virtual. Panelist.
  • Hernando Lloréns, B. & Chavez, K. Governing the teacher, governing the bilingual child: Equality, difference, and exclusion in US education. Presented at the Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy & Planning Conference, Toronto, Canada. Panelist.