Introduction to Globalization and Internationalization - What is it and why does it matter in our schools? Orientation to the TLC-GO Certificate

Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, GO

Presenter(s): Dr. Will Coghill-Behrends, Director, Global Education Initiatives; Dr. Maia Sheppard, Assistant Professor, Social Studies Education; Dr. EunJung Kim, Clinical Assistant Professor, Social Studies Education 

Description: Students are entering a world that is more globally interconnected and complicated than ever before, yet often lack the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively operate in that space. In this workshop, teacher candidates will learn the fundamentals of global education, and internationalization, and engage in activities to heighten awareness of how global competencies can be embedded in P-12 classrooms and learning. 

Learning goals: Students will develop curiosity and interest in the world’s cultures, communities, and contexts; Develop curriculum and pedagogical skills that enable teachers to incorporate international perspectives in their content area; Create connections to global and local complex challenges that impact the shared human experience. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Lindquist Center
Professional Development Area (PDA)
240 South Madison Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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