Please register here. TLC Credit: ML
*This is asynchronous and RESTRICTED to students in the ML Track ONLY. Please access this on the TLC/ML Online Workshop page on ICON.
Presenter(s): Lia Plakans, Professor of Multilingual Education David Degollado, Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education Marina Durinova, Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Multilingual Education
Description: The session on family/community engagement aligns with the Core Principle of engaging in equitable and justice-oriented education, as we recognize and challenge systemic forms of oppression and inequity that affect multilingual learners and their families. Upon completion of the workshops, you will be able to build relationships with the families and communities of multilingual learners, and support and empower their voices in schools.
Learning Objective:
1. The teachers will be able to identify supports and obstacles to making connections with their multilingual families and communities.
2. The teachers will be able to evaluate and select possible ways to reach out to multilingual families and communities.
3. The teachers will be able to analyze difficult moments with multilingual families in order to come up with a plan of approach in the future.