Talking Trash: An Indian City’s Remarkable Solid Waste Management Story

This is being advertised by the BTLC! Please view the description for how to register. 

TLC Credit: IS, GO

Presenter: Jerry Anthony, Associate Professor in the UI School of Planning and Public Affairs and JCUNA Board Member

Description: Jerry Anthony will speak on sustainable waste management practices based on his 2023 Fulbright Fellowship in India. Attendance is available in person at the library and online through Zoom. In person: Library Meeting Room ABCD, 520 West Cherry St., North Liberty, Iowa. Zoom:

Learning goals: 1) Foster curiosity and interest in the world’s cultures, communities, and contexts; 2.) Create connections to global and local complex challenges that impact the shared human experience; 3.) Design and engage/implement cross-cultural experiences connected to content-area programs and the development of global competencies.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Johnson County United Nations Association in advance at 319-337-7290 or