Demarginalizing Race, Class, and Gender in International Education in the Post-COVID World

This is being advertised by the BTLC! Please view the description for how to register. 

TLC Credit: IS, GO

Presenter: Adrien Wing Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law Programs and the Bessie Dutton Murray Professor in the University of Iowa College of Law

Description: This lecture will focus on the post-COVID world and the continuing and growing need to make sure that American students going abroad include people of color, those from poorer backgrounds, and all genders. Similarly, diversity is needed at the other end as well in terms of the variety of people that our students encounter when abroad. Teacher education students learn the elements of globalization, internationalization, and critical cultural competencies necessary for curriculum design and student engagement to promote the development of citizens capable of engaging globally.

Learning goals: 1) Foster curiosity and interest in the world’s cultures, communities, and contexts. 2.) Create connections to global and local complex challenges that impact the shared human experience. 3.) Design and engage/implement cross-cultural experiences connected to content-area programs and the development of global competencies.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 3:30pm to 5:00pm
University Capitol Centre
International Commons - University Capitol Centre, room 1117
200 South Capitol Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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