Is Brazil at a Tipping Point? Democracy and Climate Change

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Presenter(s): Dr. Amy Erica Smith Iowa State University Associate professor of political science Iowa State University Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Professor 

Description: As an old saying has long held that, "Brazil is the country of the future—and it always will be." But what future? Join Dr. Smith, an expert on both democracy and the environment in Brazil, to discuss Brazilians’ hard work to control deforestation and shore up the country’s democracy, before it's too late. From forest fires in the Amazon to a mob storming the presidential palace, scholars warn Brazil could be at a tipping point. Dr. Smith discusses these threats, but also Brazil's hopeful future. Students learn the elements of globalization, internationalization, and critical cultural competencies necessary for curriculum design and student engagement to promote the development of citizens capable of engaging globally.  

Learning goals: 1) Foster curiosity and interest in the world’s cultures, communities, and contexts; 2.) Create connections to global and local complex challenges that impact the shared human experience; 3.) Design and engage/implement cross-cultural experiences connected to content-area programs and the development of global competencies. 4.) Design and engage/implement cross-cultural experiences connected to content-area programs and the development of global competencies. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 6:00pm to 7:00pm
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