Stay up to date with relevant, research- and evidence-based professional development on the topics that are most important to Iowa’s schools and students. Iowa teachers can earn Iowa Licensure Renewal Units through our workshops. University of Iowa faculty, staff, and community experts offer professional development on a variety of topics.
**University of Iowa Alumni receive a 10% discount on all professional development events through the Baker Teacher Leader Center. Indicate your alumni status when you register.
To register for a professional development event and to earn Iowa Licensure Renewal Units, teachers must create an account.
Create your account now/Log into your account
To register for a professional development program, please log into your account. From your account you can register for programs, manage your registrations, print receipts, or program certificates to submit for verification of program completion.
Instructor Materials
The Baker Teacher Leader Center encourages professionals in the field of education to submit proposals to offer unique and high-quality professional development courses for practicing teachers to earn Iowa licensure renewal credit. The required forms and guidelines to provide a course through our center can be found below. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kari Vogelgesang:
Global Educator Wellness Ambassador Program
The Global Educator Wellness Ambassador Program delivers a paid professional development experience rooted in educator wellness and school-wide social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health practices.